Chapter 16

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Waiting for the morning turned into waiting until I can't take it anymore. It's been one week. I've barely left my room only for the occasional meal or bathroom times. I think now is as good as any to take the test. I took them to the bathroom and did as they told me to. While waiting for the results to show, I headed back to my room. Nico and Jasper sat there waiting. They had my back through everything that has happened and I couldn't thank them enough. I sat in between and closed my eyes as they laid in my hands. After a few minutes I opened them. I looked at the first. Positive. Maybe something went wrong with the first one. I pulled the second then third. All positive. This can't be happening! I have one more year of high school and the father is bound to hate me now. I burst into tears. Nico grabbed the tests out of my hands and Jasper laid my head on his chest.


I wake up to the sound of knocking on the door. I must've fallen asleep. Nico and Jasper are gone. I don't feel like getting up. My head is throbbing and my stomach feels like shit. Maybe that's just the pregnancy. I unconsciously placed my hand on my stomach. I hear yelling coming from downstairs. What happen. I get up and make it halfway down the stairs before I stop in my tracks. Frankie and Ben.

"I can't believe you guys are defending her. My parents are thinking of sending him to a mental hospital because of her! He hasn't left his room then he tried killing himself! He was in love with her but no! She was just fooling around!" Ben laid a hand on Frankie's shoulder.

"Calm down. Please? For Ty?" She nodded and took a deep breath. Nico though wasn't starting with that.

"She didn't think it was fooling around! She was in love with him! She almost went into depression because of him not listening to her words. If it wasn't for the damn..." Jasper slapped a hand over his mouth.

"He should've just listened to her instead of jumping to conclusions." He calmly removed his hand from Nicos mouth. Tears were bursting out silently. Ben looked at Nico.

"If it wasn't for what?" Nico took a minute to get his thoughts together.

"None of your business!" Wow, one minute to say that.

"I repeat, if it wasn't for what!" I had it! Nico opened his mouth but I stormed downstairs tears falling rapidly.

"If it wasn't for the damn baby I am carrying!" They went quiet. "I want you to leave." Frankie opened her mouth to say something. "Now!" I'm not having it! They left as I stormed upstairs.

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