Chapter 9

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I can't wait to see what she does to my brother. We arrive at my house and we wander in. Dad was sitting in the living room with Ben and Frankie. He turned around and smiled.

"Well well, isn't it the lovely Spencer!" She waved.

"Hi Prez. How's it going?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Do you really want to know?" She smiled.

"Nope!" He shook his head and smiled.

"What did I hear about you torturing everyone yesterday after we went downstairs. Something about asking Cowboy if his name came from how he likes doing it to torture the Livingston kids," A smile grew on her face. "Telling something about a good looking dad to torture my son," He winked at her. "And after locking us in the basement, practically having sex on the couch for torturing Nico." My mouth dropped open and Frankie and Ben started choking on something.

"Who told you that?" He patted my shoulder.

"Nico!" I huffed and Spence growled.

"He is going to pay for that! Maybe I'll sneak some random girl in during the night and take a video of his reaction!" Dad doubled over in laughter. Spence made her way over to the living area. She sat beside Ben. She held out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Spencer." He shook it.

"Ben." She smiled.

"I know." His eyebrows furrowed together. She looked over to Frankie. Frankie smiled.

"I'm Frankie." She smiled and they all started conversations as I stared into space. I was brought back to earth by a hit in the stomach.

"What!" Spencer raised an eyebrow.

"Ben can sit with us at lunch, right?" I nodded. Did Ben not know that he could? I guess I never made it clear. Ben looked to the floor.

"Thanks but if I sit with you, people will make fun of you." I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, if you sit with us, people will worship you!" That got me a hard smack in the back of the head by Spence. Ben and Frankie snickered. She looked at Ben.

"Both you boys! Come with me!" We we're not dumb enough to question or argue. She made her way upstairs. "Which way to Bens room?" Ben opened his mouth but I smacked my hand over top. I leaned into him.

"Never question her. Bad things will happen!" Spencer turned smiled than kicked me in the balls. Ben turned to me.

"Duly noted!" She laughed and walked to Bens room with Ben, I hobbled behind. She got in his room and opened his closet. She grabbed jeans, and pulled out my brothers weekend comic shirts. She turned around and shoved them in Bens face.

"Put these on." She wandered out into the hallway. A few minutes later she knocked on the door.

"You can come in!" We went into his room. He had his shirt tucked into his jeans. Spencer walked right up to him and took his shirt out of his jeans. She pulled him into the bathroom.

"Straddle the toilet. Don't ask." He nodded and did as she said. She took a brush and brushed out the hardness of his hair. She grabbed Frankie's straightening iron and plugged it in. She started straightening his wavy hair. She put the iron down and grabbed the gel. She placed his hair in spikes. "Stay here and don't move. Both of you!" She wandered out and came back with a plain black hoodie and his glasses. "Stand up!" Ben stood up. She placed the sweater on his arms. She placed the glasses on his face. She smiled. "Now you are a hot geek! Turn around and look in the mirror." He turned and his eyes widened in shock. He got over it quick. He smiled.

"Wow!" Spencer smiled.

"Now will you sit with us?" He nodded. She smiled. Good.

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