Chapter 21

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It's been a few weeks since the incidents and reconciliation in the Hospital. The MC was able to keep the gossip from spreading. The only thing the MC couldn't stop was the stomach of my beautiful girlfriend from growing so the that gossip is going to happen. Dad told the school that the MC was keeping kids home for a MC celebration so Spencer and I could heal up a little. After the incident we became inseparable, never leaving the side the other. Our parents were always checking up, asking how we are doing and the answer is always the same. Never been better. Today my parents said I could take the truck to school because I'm picking up Spence. She is wearing a bulky, camouflage sweater and tights and yet her stomach is still starting to show. She's gorgeous. We got out of the truck and whispers started. It was Monday and the first day of school that Spence's stomach was showing. I don't care though. We went to the doctors a few days ago and baby is normal, healthy and a baby girl. I couldn't be happier. Thursday is the last day of school and then I'm graduated and tattooing people at the MC ink shop 'Teddy's Ink'. Spencer will be going into her senior year and we plan for me to look after the kid in the mornings, the grandparents for the afternoons and Spence got the night. I plan on asking her to move in an apartment I bought with me. It's close to the school and the ink shop. I really hope she says yes. June 20 is the last day of school and the day I'll ask her to move in, June 21 is the day the Santiago's adopt legally become her guardians, June 23 is the day 6 out of 8 of us graduate, June 26 is the day she moves in and July 1 is going to be the day we set up baby stuff. Today is June 17, three days before everything big happens. I love her though so she's worth the hassle. We stopped by the picnic table everyone sat at.

"Hey, look who showed up!" Ben winked at Spence. We laughed at his lame joke and to make it worse he added. "Do you get it? You get it, right?" That got us going harder. Jasper looked into his sisters eyes.

"You ready for this?" She smiled and nodded. I squeezed her hand. She leaned onto me and Nico glared at her not quite believing the nod she gave.

"I'll be fine Nico! If anything happens, I know the good old fashioned kick to the balls and for a female and good old fashion elbow to the gut or boobs." He smiled.

"Good." We all have gotten so close lightly everyone is protective of each other. Especially Spence and I.

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