Chapter 13

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Ireland posted the video of the prank on Mr. Days, her and Spencer's History teacher. We left after the girls left. There was still so much time before the teacher came that we added a bucket of water over the door as soon as everyone came in except for our teacher. Nico got his phone out and Jasper placed two towels neatly folded onto Mrs.Penny's chair. Frankie sat right in between me and Ben. Sean the class  whore came up beside her.

"Hey Sweetheart. You new? Want to go out with me? I know you want to." Ben and I jumped out of our desks. I pushed a finger into his chest.

"You stay away from Frankie and you might have a dick to fiddle with tomorrow. Because we know no female would touch that." Frankie gave me a small smile. Sean rolled his eyes.

"Sweetheart how'd you get the twins? Did you get him to cheat on his girlfriend? Serves her right. She's a bitch." I raised a fist but someone else's fist connected with his face. I turned to see Ben holding his fist and his face red with anger.

"First of all you never ever, talk to my sister like she's a slut! Second you never talk about my brothers girlfriend like that! You got that? I'm pretty sure you and Aaron are the only bitches in our school. Oh and Dick face! We're not twins, we're triplets!" Everyone looked so dumbfounded. My smile was so wide it hurt. Nico, Frankie, Jasper and Cody were all whistling and cheering on Ben. Sean hobbled over to his desk, holding his face and giving up. We all sat and Nico re adjusted his phone. He pressed go as the door handle jiggled. Mrs. Penny walked in and the water splashed on top of her head. She screamed.

"Who did this? We are going to call you parents and see what they think!" None of us spoke. She wandered to her desk and found the towels. She wrapped herself with one and laid the other on her chair. She walked over to the whiteboard. She attempted to grab a marker but of course we glued it the spot she keeps them. She turned around her face full of anger and hate. "Cecilia go get a marker from the office, Tina go grab the janitor and Dean please go and find glue remover." She circled the class with her glare before her eyes landed on Frankie. "Who are you?" Frankie stayed as calm as ever.

"I'm new here. Just transferred. My name is Frankie." The middle aged women looked at how she sat in the middle of our friend group. She became suspicious.

"Where are you from?"

"Here but I transferred from an all girls because I didn't like very many people there." Frankie never lost her cool.

"Why here?"

"My brothers go here. We're Triplets."

"Who are your brothers?"

"One is responsible and a goody two shoes and is keeping the other one in line lightly. They are better people then you'd probably give them credit for."

"And Who night these brother be?"

"You forgot to do your attendance." Smooth, Frankie.

"Oh, yes! Thank you dear." She started calling out names. "Sydney Armstrong?"


"Ben Arden?"


"Frankie Arden?


"Tyler Arden?" Wow not only did she use my full name but she didn't even notice that Frankie was in between us and has the same last name. Just Wow! Snickers and chuckles erupted but she kept going. It finally got to the Santiago twins and Nick of course had to make everything worse.

"Jasper Santiago?"


"Nico Santiago?"

"I'm right here, sweetheart." The class howled but now was not the time.

"Detention! Lunch! Since no one is coming forward for that prank you can also do detention for that. One month after school detention for two hours." Nico groaned and hit his head on his desk. Poor Nico.

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