Chapter 7

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Ty and I have been inseparable. Nico said it was disgusting but Ireland and Jasper and Cody all though it was adorable. We were sitting outside by the pool in our bathing suits. I sat on Ty's lap. We played truth or dare. It was my turn to call on someone.

"Ty, truth or dare?" He looked thoughtful.

"Truth." Jasper groaned.

"Come on man! Where did the fun you go?" Ty laughed.

"Fine, dare!" I smiled a cocky smile. Then looked at him.

"I dare you to take a dive in the pool." Ty raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay." He stood up. I yelled over at him.

"Bare butt naked!" Everyone laughed as Ty turned red. Then Ty smirked.

"If you wanted to get me naked, you could have just asked." Everyone doubled over. I smirked.

"Yeah but this is way more fun!" Everyone fell over in howling laughter and Ireland once again yelled.

"Backfired!" Ty took his shirt off. Jasper whistled. Cody slapped his arm.

"He's doing it!" I leaned on the chair. He ripped off his truck and got in. Everyone laughed and whistled. I ripped off my cover up and got in. My suit still on. Everyone started laughing really hard. I leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"I'm not enjoying it as much as I should. Maybe you should stick it up me sometime, I might enjoy it more." He turned beat red. Ireland grabbed the boys hands and pulled them away, into the house.

"We will leave you two alone!" I laughed. His erection was huge and visible. It's a good thing the Santiago adults weren't home. I grabbed his dick and squeezed. He grunted, then kissed me. He wrapped his arms around me and his hand grabbed my bikini strap. He was about to pull but I grabbed his hand and put it down the inside of my bikini bottoms. He rubbed his finger between my folds. He found my clit and started rubbing his fingers in circles. I moaned. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. They were filled with lust and desire. I grabbed his trunks and threw them at him.

"We're finishing that upstairs!" He smiled and slipped on his trunks and out of the pool. I grabbed his hand and made our way through the house. You could hear the snickers taking place in the kitchen but I don't care. As soon as we got in the door of my room, Ty slammed it shut with my body. He kissed me. Hard. I wrapped my legs around him. He swung me onto the bed. He didn't wait a beat as he pulled the string to the top letting my tits fall out. He gave me a smile.

"Damn!" I laughed, which quickly turned into a moan when he sucked them. He flicked them, sucked them and kissed them. He started to lower his kisses, bringing my bottoms down with each one. He was almost to right where I wanted him. He skipped there and went to my thighs. I let out a tortured moan. He laughed. He trailed kisses up my thighs until he reached the spot. I groaned. He played with my clit over and over again until he finally plunged his tongue into me. I grabbed the sheets. He went in and out of me faster and faster. I felt like I was about to come. Ty smiled. "Come for me, baby. I want to taste you!" He liked my clit. It pushed me over the edge. I screamed his name as I came. He kissed me and I could taste myself on his lips. I flipped him over onto his back and yanked down his shorts. His huge dick was so hard it... too good I can't put words on it. I reached into my drawer and pulled out a condom. I ripped it open with my teeth and placed it on his dick. He flipped me back over and drove into me. He started slow at first but picked up pace each time. He was going in and out so fast, I exploded and it feels like he's going to, too. He came and screamed my name. He flopped down beside me. I smiled and trailed my fingers down his abs.

"I could get used to this." He laughed. We could hear the garage door opening and we quickly cleaned up and put back on our bathing suits and ran downstairs. We sat beside Jasper, who just smirked at us. Tiny came in with Lou and many other men and women. They all wore Raiders MC jackets. My eyes widened. OMG! I am being fostered by mc members. Is that why I like it here so much?Jasper and Nicko greeted all of the five men and three women.

"Hi Dad, Mom, Cookie, Cowboy, Ellen, Pete, Kinky, Prez." They all nodded and caught my eyes. I don't know who stepped up to me, but he honestly seems like the weakling of the group.

"Now Tiny, who is this pretty thing?" Ty tightened his arms around me. He shot the dude a weird look. "And it looks like Ty took possession already." Tiny glared at him.

"I rather him then you. Anyway Spencer, I would like you to meet Kinky. I suggest not to go near him at all if possible." I smiled and everyone seemed confused by that.

"Don't worry, I don't do small dudes." The guy was built and bigger than a lot of people but...

"I am definitely not small, I'm six foot one! Have you seen my muscles?" The guy looked offended. I made a fake pouting face.

"Oh sweetheart," I patted his shoulder. "I wasn't talking about that." Everyone burst out laughing. The lean muscular dude looked at Tiny.

"You better keep her. I like her." I smiled broadly. Ty's hands slowly made their way up my thigh.

"Ty!" He took his hands away and looked up. The biggest out of all of them stood there glaring at him with an arm around a petite lady. Ty smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry Dad." I turned to look at him. He motioned to his father and the lady beside him. "Mom, Dad this is Spence, Spence, my parents." I smiled. I winked at them.

"I can see why Ty looks so good. Got good genes from each side. Who does he get all the blushing from?" His dad blushed and his mom giggled.

"Why, thank you, sweetheart and the blushing comes from his father." Ty rubbed his nose across my neck and his hands traveling up my thigh. I slapped the back of his head.

"Ty, stop being a hormonal boy and sit still for once." He blushed. His dad turned to Tiny.

"Tiny, you better keep her! You keep her close to you too, Ty. You got a lucky one." Ty smiled and nodded his head. "Now I bet that girl is confused of who the hell we all are." I nodded. Tiny sighed.

"Ty's parents are Prez and Ellen, Redhead is Cowboy, other female is Cookie, and the last one is Pete. You better stop impressing them because I'm going to have to up my skills to match yours." I gave a cocky grin.

"Well I haven't won over three people in this room yet so we still got a while until I do that to ya." Cookie giggled and Cowboy snorted.

"You won over two more for being friends with my kids, now all you gotta do is win over that guy. You just need to give him food and you'll be good." I laughed and looked at Cody and Ireland. They shrugged.

"So Pete, does a chocolate bar work?" Pete perked up.

"What kind?" I giggled.

"Reese's." Pete smiled.

"Hell yeah!" I grabbed the chocolate bar from behind Ty and tosses it to Pete. Ty whined.

"Hey! That was mine!"

"Stop, whining. It's his now." I looked over to see Pete munching on the chocolate bar with a smile on his face. Pete looked up.

"You won me over. Sorry Tiny, I think your day is up sooner than you thought." I smiled and Tiny shook his head. Tiny looked up at me and dramatically glared. Fun dude.

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