Chapter 18

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I watched as doctors rushed into the room Ty was in. He started to scream and yell. I collapsed on the chair outside of his room and sobbed. Why did I let it get this bad? I stood and ran out. Luckily the house wasn't far from the hospital. I ran inside and into my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I grabbed my notebooks and started to write.

May 30th,

'Some might call this Romeo and Juliette and others might call it a tragedy. I messed up big time. I let my doubts rule over everything. And one simple question ruined everything. I was in love with a boy, his smile would light up the gloomiest of days. To make it even better he loved the trouble orphan that I am, back. One simple question turned into one big fight which caused the attempted death of one and a death of another. I should've never got involved with him. I ruined his life. For he does not know of one thing and I hope no one tells but it'll just ruin him. I love him and our child that will never see the light of day. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I have caused you all.

- Spencer Carr

I grabbed the scissors and placed them on my wrists.



Jasper and I have been broken seeing Spencer and Ty like this. They were both the cheeriest of them all. I came back from the bathroom the same time Jasper comes back with the coffee for everyone. Ty's parents sat outside the room panicking. Oh no.

"Where is Spencer." Prez looked at us.

"When the doctors had to rush in and put Ty to sleep she was sitting there then when I came out she was gone." Jasper handed the coffees to Prez and we took off running. We got in the parking lot.

"Jasper, you go search the area and I'll go home." He nodded and we hopped on our bikes. I made it home in under two minutes because of speeding. I swung the door open.

"Spence!" No answer! "Spencer!" I ran upstairs. I tried to open her door. Locked. I knocked as hard as I could. "Spencer! Open up!" This can't be good. "Spencer! If you don't open up in 5 seconds I will kick the door down! 5...4...3...2...1...!" My foot connected with the door and down it went.

There she sat, blood pouring out of her wrists.
"Shit!" I grabbed my phone and dialled 911. I placed clothes on her wrists stopping the blood as much as possible. Two minutes later an ambulance sounded. Paramedics pounded through the door and up the stairs. Paramedic number 1 pulled me back from her.

"Sir, we got her from here. Do you know her?"

"She's my sister. Can I come with you guys?" Number 2 nodded and pulled Spencer onto a gurney. I turned around to make sure we left nothing behind. A little book was flipped to a middle page with a paragraph and todays date on top. I grabbed it and ran out towards the ambulance.

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