Chapter 6

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The first two classes of school was long and boring. At least this is my last year before we head off to who knows where. My head wasn't in the game today. All I could think about was Spencer. God! Do I have it bad or what? The bell rang for lunch and it couldn't be quicker. I headed to the lunch room and sat at the table we usually sit at. Nico and Jasper sat beside me on either side. Cody came in and sat on Jasper's lap. No Spencer or Ireland. It was about ten minutes before Ireland and Spencer came in laughing about something. Her laugh was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. She looked hot with the purple crop top, ripped jeans and the purple plaid shirt wrapped around waist. They sat across from us. Ireland looked at me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Um...

"Sure, I guess but why?" She rolled her eyes.

"Come on!" She pulled me out of the lunchroom and into the hall. "Okay, I found out Spence likes you too. But you have to be the one to ask her out and you have to impress her with doing so." I smiled. This is what she was talking about. The plan we made.

"Really?" She smirked.

"I got an idea. You ask if you can talk to her in private after school on Friday. You head underneath a tree in a private spot. Oh, maybe getaway tree. That place we always went when we were kids and wanted to get away from the world. Then once you get there you pull her into a kiss and after ask her out. Okay?" I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you!" She laughed as we wandered back into the lunchroom and Spencer gave us weird looks as we sat down. Jasper and Nicko were all apart of the plan to get Spencer to go out with me. It was Ireland's job to find out how she likes to be asked out and a if she likes me. Jasper and Nicko are just in the know. A dude passed us and Ireland jumped up. She ran towards him, then started talking to him while twirling her hair. He smiled and flirted with her. She finally came back. She smiled at us.

"I'm getting laid tonight!" We laughed. Poor dude. She only does and ditch.


The week went on forever. Luckily it was Friday and I couldn't wait till the end of today, so I could kiss those full lips. Classes went by in a blur and the next thing you know we're all in the driveway of the Santiago estate. Everyone eyed me as Spencer sat there clueless. I took a deep breath and walked over to her.

"Can I talk to you?" She eyed me suspiciously, then nodded. "Come on I know a place to go." She nodded once again. We walked behind the house till we reach the getaway tree. I sat down and she sat beside me. She turned to look at me.

"What do you..." I cut her off with a kiss. She opened her mouth and let my tongue through. She swung a leg over and sat in my lap as we kissed. I placed my hands right underneath the hem of her shirt and held her hips. She grabbed my hair. She finally let go. I smiled.

"Wanna go out with me?" She laughed.

"Hell yeah!" We made out some more. Whistles sounded from the bush behind us. She pulled away and looked behind me. She started laughing and placed her head on my shoulder. I turned around. Jasper, Ireland and Nicko stood there, whistling and clapping. Ireland shook her head.

"Now that is a way to ask out a girl!" Really Ireland? Hey, I need more. I yelled to Ireland.

"Thank you Ireland!" She smiled and they came around to the front of the tree. Spencer eyed me.

"Thank you, why?" I whispered in her ear.

"How else do you think I could pull off asking you out in a perfect way?" She smacked her lips against mine. Her eyes closed and I winked a the others. They all had to stifle laughs. I deepens the kiss and they got the message and left.

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