Chapter 11

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Next week was the schools annual prank week. Teachers are clueless as students set up pranks for the week. Mr and Mrs. Santiago said they would turn a blind eye to whatever we might do. Nico invited everyone to the pool to discuss some pranks we will do together. Jasper and I convinced Ty and Ben to bring Frankie along with them. Ben became the new hot geek at school and everyone tries to go after him. He's been hanging out everyday since the new look first came out, three weeks ago. I haven't seen Frankie since I came to their house. Twenty minutes later we all sat in bathing suits by the pool. Frankie jumped in the pool.

"We should plan something to get me kicked out of school." Ben chocked on his lemonade.

"Why? Why would you do that?" She shrugged and frowned.

"I honestly have like no friends there. They are all preppy and overachievers. It's also boring. It would be fun to go to school with you guys. Ty and Ben come home everyday laughing about something that went on at school or with you guys. To be honest. I want to go to school with my brothers and see what the fuss is about." She gave a sad smile. Ty crossed his eyes. I recently realized he does that when he is thinking. So does Ben and Frankie.

"Why don't you go to mom and dad and tell them. They probably will let you. We won't be here forever either so better not screw your chances at a good college. We have one last year before we go. We can tell them that we want to spend the last year and a half together before we head off in different directions." Frankie beamed. I walked over to sat on Ty's lap and kiss his cheek.

"You are an extremely good brother. You know that?" He smiled widely.

"Really?" I winked.

"Just don't go chasing off the boys she brings home." I kissed him.

"Awe! You two are adorable! I remember when Ty was little and said he will never ever kiss a girl and that he would rather kiss a guy. I always thought he would turn gay. Well, until he started checking out every female we passed by the age of eleven." I snorted and turned around. Frankie was staring right at us with a smirk on her face. Ty growled.

"Want me to help you with transferring or not?" I slapped the back of his head. Ben laughed.

"You should check the back of his head. I think it's permanently bruised with all the head smacks you give him." We all bursted out laughing before discussing the plan of pranks.

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