Chapter 14

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It has been a few weeks after the pranks had happened and it's been torture for Nico. He has been getting high fives yet he has two hour detention after school with Mrs. Penny, the lamest teacher ever! I feel bad for him but not as bad as I'm feeling right now. I've been throwing up non stop for the past two days and I'm getting nervous. The Santiago's have been great but what if they don't want a sick kid. What am I thinking? They've been all great. When I started getting sick Jasper made it his job to make me eat and make soups. Nico has been on watch to make sure I get to the bathroom when I need to. Ty has come over to help me and see what he can do. Ireland brought a get well soon card and a teddy bear. I sat on my bed in the dark with Ty beside me combing my hair gently. What if he only stays with me because he just wants me to sleep with him and he doesn't actually or... or? What am I thinking? He wouldn't. Would he?

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to." He stopped brushing my hair.

"What would make you think I don't want to?"

"We fool around all the time but..." he stood up and walked around to be in front of me.

"Is this what this is? Fooling around?" He sounded pissed. I opened my mouth to say something but he didn't let me say a word. "Wow! I can't believe this! You used me just to fool around? You think I just wanted to fool around? Haven't you noticed me following you to your every wim!" He's starting to yell. And tears are starting to form in my eyes. "I am in fucking love with you! Don't you understand that! I can't believe I thought you felt the same way!" The tears were pouring down as he stormed out of my room and out of the house. What was I thinking? Him using me? Never! But I just had to open my damn mouth. Now I lost the guy I fell deeply in love with. Nico and Jasper ran into my room and immediately sat beside me and held me close to each of them. Jasper wiped off as many of my tears that he could.

"What happened?" The sobs got rougher and louder.

"I messed up. I just had to open my big mouth and now I lost him." Nico brought me close to his chest and held me there.

"You poor thing." I love these guys. They are like the brother I once had. We just sat there as they let me sob.

After awhile Jasper left and came back with something in his hand. "Ireland told me to give this to you. I don't agree but she insisted." He handed me the objects in his hand. Pregnancy tests. Nico took it from my hands.

"We'll do that in the morning. You should just sleep now. Okay?" I nodded and laid down on my bed as the guys left my room.

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