Chapter 5

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I got here yesterday and it's already my first day of school here. Ugh! I got dressed, then grabbed the backpack and school supplies Lou had gotten me. I made my way downstairs. Everyone was scrambling around the kitchen. Jasper yelled over to his dad.

"There is nothing to eat!" Tiny turned around to look at his son.

"Everyone just get a granola bar. You're going to be late for school!" Tiny looked over at me and handed me a granola bar.

"Can one of the twins give you a ride on their motorcycles?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Motorcycles? Hell yeah!" He laughed.

"Everyone out the door! Bye!" We all yelled our goodbyes. We got outside. Nico looked up at me.

"You can ride with me." I nodded and got on the back of the bike, behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle. We took off to school.

Everyone stared at us as we arrived at the school. I yelled over the sound of the bike.

"Are you like popular around here or something? Everyone is staring." He parked the bike and got off.

"Nope. Two things, we usually never have anyone except for Ireland on our bikes and two, everyone thinks we're mean and tough because of our dad. I'm okay with it though. People dig the mean and tough." I looked up at him.

"What about the other foster kids?" He smiled.

"We didn't like them. To preppy and overachieving. We like you though so we'll let you on our bikes." Jasper pulled up beside us and Ty pulled up beside him. In the parking stall beside us a big red truck parked. Ireland hopped out of the truck with some lean, redhead, dark skinned kid with a batman shirt.

"Hey guys! Spence, this is my gay brother
Cody. He's dating Jasper. He couldn't hang out yesterday because he had to wait tables at work." He smiled.

"Hi!" Wow, he's chirpy.  I nodded my head.

"I'll take Spence over here, to the office for her schedule." Ireland grabbed my hand and pulled me away. "Bye!" She waved at the boys. I turned around and Nico was already chatting up a girl, Jasper and Cody were making out on his motorcycle and Ty stared at my ass. Ireland turned to me. "Spill! So do you like Ty? He sure likes you." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I do." She smiled. "But I don't ask out boys. They have to do all the work. I like it that way. I'm trying to make an easy pass for him. Oh! And he has to impress me on how he does it." She giggled. "You can pass it onto him if you want." She smirked.

"Oh, I'll be sure to do that!" We walked into the office to the front desk. Front desk lady looked up.

"Ireland." She looked unimpressed by her. She's already on my bad books.

"Carrie." That got a scowl. "Schedule for Spencer Carr!" Carrie looked in a cubby and pulled out my schedule and handed it to Ireland. "Thank you Care!" Carrie growled. We wandered out of the office. I started laughing.

"What did you do to get in her bad books? Blowtorch her house?" Ireland laughed.

"No, I just did and dumped her son. Her family hates me now. Whatever." I chuckled.

"You are my hero! You know that?" She smirked.

"I know. According to your schedule, you have History with me first period. Yay! I don't have to endure it alone! Second you have Mad Science. Lucky! All you do is science experiments. Then we have lunch. Meet me by your locker which is" We stopped in front of locker 322. "Locker combination is 22-23-24. Wow, that will be easy to remember. After lunch you have Math and last period you have gym. Oh! I'm in your gym class. I can embarrass myself with you! Although you probably won't embarrass yourself." I laughed. This is going to be a fun day. We headed to history.

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