Akward moment

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Zana: ei Luna I got a dare and truth for them!

Luna: what is it?

Zana: well...



Thunderstorm: not going to talk about that

Earthquake: for once I agree with Thunder

Thunderstorm: 😒

Cyclone: should I tell or not? Tell or not? *busy talking to himself*

Blaze: hm..

Ice: Zzzzz

Thorn: Solar should we--

Solar: No darling no

Thorn: ok

Luna: oh come on! It's not that worst then the last time....

(Note they are still injured)

7BBB: no

Luna: fine then, I will talk for you

Blaze: wut

Luna: I have my camera recording your awkward moments *grin*

Blaze and Cyclone: Stalker!

Luna: yes I am one and now excuse me I need to set this video of Thundy and Cycy

Thunderstorm: *heard his name* why me first? And why is Cyclone is apart of this?

Luna: cause your the oldest duh and this video is not only containing you but Cyclone too

Cyclone: *confuse*

Thunderstorm: -_- your not going show the video are you?

Luna: I am and I will, not scared of your sword

Thunderstorm: whatever

Luna: okay now... heheheh

(ThundClone) Thundy and Cycy awkward moments

The camera was rolling and showing Luna with a ninja suit?


Blaze: wait isn't that mine?

Luna: hush now


Luna: hehehe no one is here this will be fun! *use Ice power to make the floor slippery* ok next thing


Ice: why is my power involved with this?

Luna: you will see


Luna: *was hiding behind the door* hehe who will come first? *saw Thunderstorm running back* ooo~ this will be purrfect~

Thunderstorm: I forgot my phone argh! *didnt have his power watch with him too* argh! Even I forgot my own power watch! *opens the door then someone put a bucket on his head blinding him* hey!

Luna: kikiki! *push Thunderstorm near the ice floor* whoops better hide ninja way! * throws smoke boom on the floor* ninja!

Thunderstorm: *slip through the ice* h-hey!

Now the camera shows Thunderstorm sliding down the house then Cyclone came into view.


Thunderstorm: don't tell me..

Luna: mhm


Thunderstorm: *successfully removed the bucket* *saw Cyclone playing his phone* Cy!

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now