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Dare: Zacky_aqilah and Kpopisinmylife

Watch me struggle with their personalities because, I'm not that familiar with their personalities or behaviors

OwO enjoy

Note: there will be Malay speaking in there and don't worry- I'll translate for the none Malay speakers out there

Also, I might be a bit lazy here, don't mind that but do check again back cause I might change some scenes


Diana: Katie? Have you seen Luna? *carrying the box*

Kat: *rummaging into Solar's stuff because they were helping Solar with cleaning up*  no..? 030 I haven't heard her screaming in the morning soo..

Diana: *place the box down* really? That's weird..

Solar: *walks in, is on the call* oh yeah, I can do that, no- yes- but don't- ah no no.. *talking with someone*

Diana: Solar!

Solar: ? *look at Diana* give me one or two minutes *mute his call then walk to Diana* yes dear?

Diana: have you seen Luna anywhere?? She was supposed to be helping us here

Solar; *thinks* now that you bring this up.. I haven't seen her in sight! *goes back to his call* she's maybe doing something unbelievable *walks back out* yes yes, I'm back- wait no, don't-

Kat: °^° useless

Diana: Yeah *was about to lift another box but was surprised to see a cat* !?

Cat: mew?

Diana: oh god that scared the hell out of me.. *lift up the box with one hand and the other to pat the cat* aww how cute~

Cat: ^w^ mew~

?: *without warning throw the yo-yo at Diana's hand* lepaskan Comot! (Let go of Comot!)

Diana: *startled by it and backs away* (another Malay!?)

Kat: ? *stands up, blinks her eyes to see three different silhouettes* show yourself, I can see you

Diana: who? *now standing beside Kat*

Comot(cat): *runs to where the yo-yo was*

Ali, Alicia and Bakar: *walking out from the shadows*

Bakar: eh? Siapa dorang Ni? Ejen baru ke? (Eh? Who are they? New ejens/recruits?)

Alicia: *observing both Diana and Kat and shakes head* tidak, saya tidak pernah melihat muka mereka.. (no.. I've never seen their faces before)

Ali: *seeing the warning 'unknown place'* siapa kamu dua..? (Who are you two..?) *grips on his yoyo*

Kat: I don't understand what they are saying •3•|||

Diana: me neither *had her hands up* we mean no harm, we don't even understand what you three are even saying

Ali: Ish- *was about to stormed at Diana but was stopped*

Alicia: *was the one who stopped Ali, look at them* you two don't speak in Malay, do you?

Diana: ..wOw *shakes head* no we don't

Kat: owo though~ who are you three.. why do you guys seem.. familiar

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