
349 15 158

Dare: xKittaMew

This is.. the 100 page
I haven't realize that I have done this much-
Omg, I am so rajin *wipes fake tears*

Are y'all proud of me yet? *me talking to no one*

I haven't actually finish the other book that I need to finish- because of losing motivation and I only can do this because it's simple and not that hard to even.. type?

So um, what should I do to celebrate? Especially when I got tons of people reading this crappy BBB TOD-

Idk how the new readers survive reading this 100 page filled with randomness-

What should I do???


Luna: ..this won't end good but meh *pours a potion to make the trio troublemakers to be drunk* I hope Quake don't go coo coo by the time they do those stuff!


Earthquake: *got distracted by Diana* um, Diana.. we can just teleport there-

Diana: hush, hush *place her finger on Earthquake's lips* let's be, traditional!

Earthquake: ||||| Okay..?

Diana: *her and Luna planned for Earthquake to stay at London for a week so he won't die*


Luna: *heard the troublemakers, immediately teleports away*

Thorn: ÒwÓ Imma catch chu! *they are playing 'tag'*

Blaze; you won't~ *stick out his tongue at Thorn as he run down the stairs, following after Cyclone*

Cyclone: >^O let's see about that!! *abruptly stops, now standing still as his eyes fixed on the drinks*

Blaze: Cyclone? *look at where he is looking at*

Thorn: *tap Blaze's shoulder* got ya! *but got no respond, confused then follow where the both of them staring at* •w•?

The note: "don't drink this"

The trio: *mischievous smirks appear on their faces*


Thunderstorm: *got back after doing some groceries with Solar and yes, they were being competitive* this was your fault

Solar: *rolls his eyes at Thunderstorm* my fault? Ruining the electricity of the grocery store was my fault?

Thunderstorm: ugh, whatever *place the recycling bags on the counter*

Solar: *walks into the kitchen then stops when he smells something-* alcohol?

Thunderstorm: *was about to put the groceries into its respective places* Huh?

Solar: it smells like it *sniffs the air before pinching his nose because of the awful smell*

Thunderstorm: *is confuse, smells the air then have that disgusted face on* It reeks in here! *but is used to it* what the fck happened.. *opening one of the cupboard*

Ice: *hiding inside there* ... |||| *is now staring at Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: why.. -_-|||

Solar: ? *walks to them then saw Ice in shock* darling, why are you hiding inside there? Aren't you suffocating in there?

Ice: ..no and it's the troublemakers..

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now