511 22 179

Dare: Miraculous712 and Emma_3091
Truth: xXLexi_W18Xx and Ayumi_Cycy028

This.. this would a wild ride.. ||||

Equi: you said it

Eh, why are you here?

Equi: I did watch it with you, so I'm here to check them up

._. Mmm why?

Equi: *smiles* they are slowly knowing their true power


Firefrost: HAH! This is fun! *blocking Cyclone's attack with ice barrier that is surrounded with fire* shut up Blaze, focus on what we are suppose to do fine fine

Cyclone: *attacking every where he can do, just wanting to see their attacks* ~

Supra: *flies down to where Thorn is* sorry there Thornie, Thunderstorm didn't meant to hurt you that was on accident!

Thorn: 030 that's fine! *wipes his bleeding lip, shakes head* you guys are strong!!

Supra: no, I don't think so we are Quake is stronger between all of us, his the leader and the one who have BBB inside *looks*

Earthquake: *spacing out*

Inside his mind

BBB: you really cried there.. *concern*

Earthquake: *smiling sadly* no no, I'm fine now.. I just felt like it was my fault that it happen.. I should've listen to the commander

BBB: Hey.. its also my fault.. I act impulsive there and Fang was right..

Both: we didn't listen to him

BBB: *chuckles when they synced* do you think you all are given a dare? Today?

Earthquake: seems like it *saw Solar appears* hm?

Solar: we got truths and dares, come on now *smiles when he waves at BBB before disappearing*

BBB: *smiles a little then look at Earthquake* talk to you soon..

Earthquake: *nods his head, closing his eyes*

Back to reality

Earthquake: *open his eyes to see Luna sitting in front of him* hi Luna~

Luna: Quakie! Now since all of you are here.. wait *looks* unfused you four

Supra; fine *close eyes as they separates*

Solar: *now next to Thorn, having his arms around Thorn's body*

Thorn: >w< Sunny!

Thunderstorm: *beside Cyclone, leaning his body against him*

Cyclone: *letting Thunderstorm be*

Firefrost: *also separates*

Ice: *got carried in Blaze's arms* hmp

Blaze: *laughing, putting Ice down* sorry~

Luna: now that's done!- oh wait *snaps fingers*

Fang: *appears, eating donuts* huh? *now beside Earthquake But is confuse on why he is here*

Luna: you guys have to answer this questionsss..

All: ?

Luna: give one reason why you love your lover! Starting from FaKe!

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now