•-• Nightmare? Or is it?

159 8 2

Dare: Jujugalax

I have nothing to say here- so enjoy uwus!


Darkness: you know Princess, none of them are scared of me *dramatically sighs*

Luna: But I thought you were the element of surprise!! .-.?

Darkness: unfortunately, they are used to my jump-scare *shakes head*

Luna: o3o then find someone else! I can help you with you want!

Darkness; ^^ hmm~ that would be delightful~


Darkness: *his eyes glows dark purple with mix of black* (who should I scare..) *thinking as he walks down the hallways*

Chrome: wh-What? Ghost aren't real!

Sand; but they are! I've seen one!

Darkness: ... *smirks*

Inside Sand's room

Chrome: there is no such thing as ghosts!

Sand: Nu! They are real and I can show you-

Chrome: they are not real and I don't believe you.

Sand: .-. does that mean you are afraid of ghost?

Chrome: Huh? No, I'm not scared, I just don't believe in them

Sand: *did a 'are you sure' face at Chrome* fineeee- ghost aren't that scary- *lights flicker* ?

Chrome: *heart skips a beat, but remained calm for the sake of his pride*

Sand: eh, must be that rat again, I should check it out *stands up* wait here Chrome! That room is cramped and only one person can enter! *runs out*

Chrome: w-Wait! *is left alone in the room* ... *close his eyes* (it's just a rat chewing on the electric wires.. nothing to be afraid of..) *heard a clicking sound* ..?

Darkness: *still hiding in the shadows* ..

Chrome; (maybe that's Sand..) *shivers sent down his spine, feels the room getting colder by the minute* (o-okay.. this is getting.. weirder..)

Darkness: *his borrowing his brother's power for a bit* (almost..)

Chrome: *open his eyes to see nothing but darkness, squint his eyes* (I am, not liking this one bit..) *flinched at the creak sound, immediately stands up* (okay! That's enough! I'm leaving!) *walks to the door-*

Darkness; *appears in front of Chrome* Hey~

Chrome; *scREAAAAAAMS*


Sand: and that's how I found Chrome laying on the floor! Looking like a vampire!

Eclipse: funny, is he afraid of the dark or something?

Sand: •~• no clue

Chrome: @-@

Magnet: *awoken by the scream* =-= I hate this, I have an appointment to catch later and I haven't even gotten enough sleep

Eclipse: hah, you get sleep, while I don't-


Sand: •o•

Eclipse: what now!?

Magnet: ugh ( ̄^ ̄)

Minutes before the scREAM

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