Hell is coming

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Credits to the pic above.. and this dare is something I'm going to have a hard time dealing with my emotions

Luna: as long as they aren't going to be like Tegami and Equi though

True, those two make me go insane

Luna: =-=||| I had to stop them using those power..

Not going to remember it again


Dare: _Amethyx_

Luna: *floating up in the air, in a sitting position* how am I suppose to turn them into a reverse? It's not easy when it comes to Quake but Thunder.. nah he'll be hard too. Unlike Ice and Cyclone, I can manipulate them easily. *shrugs her shoulder* hmmm.. *ting* what if..

At late night in the living room

Earthquake; *already sleeping in*

Thunderstorm: *busy with his computer which I don't know what*

Luna: *invisible* (hope that.. the others can change them back before something else happen but.. Cycy and Fang can't help them..) *sighs* ... (Sorry) *is walking on the ceiling, jumps down and landed on the floor quietly like a mouse* ... *walks to Thunderstorm then whispers something into his ear*

Thunderstorm: *heard the whisper, shivers, alertly glance around the living room* ...huh *all of sudden, feeling drowsy, his vision started to blur* w.. what.. *all he sees now is black dots* hap.. pen.. ing..? *faints*

Luna: *just glance at Thunderstorm who is now looking a bit lifeless* ... *walk to Earthquake, crouch down then whispers into his ears*

Inside Earthquake's mind

Earthquake: *chatting with BBB* how much do I have to tell you..

BBB: eheh, I know that I shouldn't be so careless but I had too!

Earthquake: *sighs but smiles because of his use to it* it's fun to talk to you Boi

BBB: you are me, Quakie. *giggles* yet, we have different souls

Earthquake: ah.. we are not talking about that now-

Oh~ what do we have here.. a bonding time? With the real BBB? That's weird to see coming from you Earthquake!

Earthquake: *confuse, look around*

BBB: ?? What's the matter?

Earthquake: I- *now having a headache, grab his head and grip it*

Did you miss me, Earthquake? Miss the feeling of killing? It runs in your blood to kill innocent people!

Earthquake: Shut it! *shakes head* don't even continue saying it! *crouching down now*

BBB: *puzzled* Quake..? *hesitating to touch Earthquake*

You love to kill them! Don't you remember? You kill them with a satisfying smirk, your hand was covered in blood and your sanity was broken!

Earthquake: *accidentally look down at his hands which is cover in blood, freaks out* I-I'm not that type of person any longer! *grits teeth in pain*

BBB: what's.. *worried*

Earthquake: *glance at BBB with tears rolling down his eyes* S-Sorry.. *raise his hand up then clench it*

BBB: No!- *disappears*

Aw.. boring.. I was about to approach him but oh well!

Earthquake: l-leave him o-out.. of t-this.. he have nothing t-to be involve w-with! *collapse on the ground, clenching his hands tight*

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now