._. Tag?

185 9 13

I found this in my phone, and I was questioning myself either I download it myself or someone have tag me and I forgotEither way, I'll just do this

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I found this in my phone, and I was questioning myself either I download it myself or someone have tag me and I forgot
Either way, I'll just do this

1) my full name? Ain't going to expose my real name buttttt maybe for now.... Lunala Sofia Starlight

2) yeah, writing stories

3) BTS songs of course! And some others, English songs... maybe Dynasty and Lily?

4) shhhhh.. I love him and his Dior outfit(no Joonie, I still love you)

5) I wanna big house, big cars and big rings but I don't have any big dreams ;-;

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5) I wanna big house, big cars and big rings but I don't have any big dreams ;-;

6) Yeah! I slept well! And now continuing the hari raya thing

7) lotsssssss

8) no, I don't like math

9) ._. Idk what subject I like anymore

10) somewhere, I don't want to expose as much but I guess I told some of you guys so shush~

11) ehhhh sports? Not while I'm on period

12) healthy? For now.. I guess?

13) you can't buy me with money, but buy me with love~

14) BTS! All of them can sing beautifully and when singing life, stable!

15) mhm, real 13 (including meh) and 2 (including meh)

16) ..........I can't draw ;3;

17) I don't remember and I don't want to

18) Yeah, no

19) single ;-;

20) not a idol and idols! And yeah, it's BTS and baby TXT!! (Even if I'm two years younger then them)

Any of you can do the tags, I don't mind

Tags?Any of you can do the tags, I don't mind

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Hmmmmmm naaaaah

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