Lets Dance~!

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Credits to the owner of the drawing

Luna: we ain't =-=

Nix: aw...

Luna: *facepalm, look around the place* I guess we can call them now

Nix: -w• let me do it! *teleports away*

Luna: Mkay *sits on a couch, lays down then waits*


Earthquake: *currently busy cooking delicious food* ~~

Nix: owo.. *behind Earthquake* BOOOOOM!!

Earthquake: *startled, almost flip his pan, sigh in relief and looks at Nix* ^^|| yes Nix? Are you going to give us another dare?

Nix: Nope! Call your brothers then come down to the whatever it is called again, that underground thingy magic stuff!! *runs off*

Earthquake: okay..? *shrugs his shoulders, finish up his cooking then head upstairs*


Earthquake: *knocks on Solar and Thorn's room* guys?

Solar: *opens the door, having a sleepy face* Yes- *yawns* -Quake?

Earthquake: Sorry for waking you early in the morning Solar ^^|| but Nix told me to call you all and told me to come down to the.. uh.. whatever it is called.

Solar: *gets what Earthquake means* really?

Earthquake: mhm!

Solar: Alright then *lazily walks back into the room and told Thorn everything*

Thorn: 0o0 Ooo~

Earthquake: *close the door and walk down the hall then stop in front of a door* wonder if his awake.. *about to knock but open by..*

Ice: Not a word *look a bit energetic, a loud noise could be heard inside*

Blaze: YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAH!!! *rocking the music*

Earthquake: oh my, um, by the way, Nix told me to come to the.. that thing underground

Ice: note it -_- *close the door, walks to Blaze mad smacks Blaze's head*

Blaze: OWIE!?

Earthquake: ^^||| *walks down another hall then knocks on the door* Cy?

Cyclone: *open the door up* yesh?

Earthquake: *peeks inside and saw the room is a mess, a bit irritate but let it go* Nix told me to tell you guys to go to the-

Cyclone: basement? OKAY! *zooms right back in as his door close shut*

Earthquake: oh, it's the basement.. •-• *shrugs then proceed to Thunderstorm's room, knocks*

Thunderstorm: *opens the door with everything prepare* I know, the basement *zaps away*

Earthquake: how?


Luna: did you get everyone?

Nix: =w= yes ma'am!

Rin: *smiles* it's nice to be here *her left eye color is blue whole her right eye is grey, brush her brown shoulder length hair*

Ayane: not really knowing why I'm here but! Bring in the fun!

Kex: *ruffles her black hair which have a beanie on it* I'm new here! *for a quick second open up her light blue eyes before closing it back*

Karensa: *grumbles a bit* don't ever wake me up that early! I was having a good dream!

Cindy: owo at least you will see Thundy *her black hair sways a bit due to the air conditioner* cold~ *rubs her blue eyes*

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now