What am I suppose to put here?

326 11 90

Dare: _Amethyx_ and Kim_Queen_Jennie

This.. this will be very weird in a way

Equi: *shrugs, drinking his tea* Quake, dating with a female Thunder? That's not weird

-3- I meant the dancing one..

Equi: oh *thinks* no, that's still not weird enough for me

O3O that means you are living a weird life

Equi: I must be am *smiles*


Runa: YOU STUPIDDDDD- NYAAAAA- *chasing after the identical person in front of her*

Ōkami: *laughing* still mad about I mess up your fluffy hair? Be over it! At least you'll have time for yourself more!!

Runa: You think it's easy to brush fur by fur!? It's so difficult and I have to take care of it delicately! Also, It takes up my chocolate time! Now thanks to you! I have to redo it again!!

Earthquake: *walking down the streets, with Thunderstorm beside him* it's funny that.. it's peaceful today *look at Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *listening to music he was recommended by Ayane* hm *nods, agreeing with what Earthquake has said but felt like he got bump into* !?

Ōkami: OOF- *accidentally letting a potion spill on Thunderstorm* sorry! *runs off again*

Runa: *almost caught Ōkami by the fur* YOU FUDGING ANGEL- *running after more*

Earthquake: ^^||| ahh.. maybe I shouldn't have said it to early *saw little particles* eh? *turns around to look at where Thunderstorm is then gasp*

Thunderstorm: *now a female, her hat his covering her eyes* ugh.. I feel like I change my body.. *have a slight different voice but more a girl like and soft* what the.. *heard the gasp* what?

Earthquake: *turn one of his hand into crystal which is like a mirror then shows it to Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: • • • WHAT THE FUCK-


Earthquake: *sweat-drops as Thunderstorm is complaining about what happened to him, but in Earthquake's eyes, it is cute to see Thunderstorm like that*

Thunderstorm: a girl's voice, a girl's body, big butt, big.. *looks down* whatever this thing is called and I AM A FRICKING VIRGIN!

Earthquake: on the bright side *walks to Thunderstorm, sitting next to her* Telepathy have the reverse potion for this, but we have to wait until his finish making it

Thunderstorm: *roll her eyes, fold her arms as he pouts which made his cheeks puffy* I hate this

Earthquake: *chuckling over how cute Thunderstorm is but Thorn is much more cuter* while waiting, why not we hangout? Or maybe consider this as a brotherly date- I mean.. brotherly sisterly date! *smiling sheepishly*

Thunderstorm: =3= mmmph, whatever..

Earthquake: then let's go~ *grabs Thunderstorm's hand to walk hand in hand*


Ōkami: *bumps to every single elemental brothers, Idk how, but yeah* huff.. huff.. phew.. *drops on the ground, fanning himself* how long are they going to stay as a reverse?

Runa: *drinking the milk chocolate she got when Ōkami bump into Solar* until Telepathy shows up with a reverse potion for Thunder, that is when they turn back

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