Love interest?

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Don't you guys wonder.. who they like for the none original BBBs? Cause like, I don't think I'd ever shown who they are romantically attracted too.. sooooo..

Also, note that all of them here right now is around 17-18-19 years old

Future me: I'm sorry that I had been a little inactive, had been focusing on my school life (;-; Hhh I haven't even done lots of hws and cws) and me coping with quarantine!

Anyways, enjoy!!!

(F.M) Side note: honestly speaking, some of these characters are based of my old characters which I turned them into part of BBB so technically, they are different people that comes from one single person {p.s; yes they actually have different looks, only the canon 7 are like septuplets}


In Japan~

Darkness: *walking to Emerald's room to ask him whose turn is it to cook* hey Emmy- ....wha

Emerald: *his doing TikTok.. the throwback dance, having fun* ^^~

Darkness: *walks backwards and slowly close the door and proceeds to walk back to his room*

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is how Darkness realize that he is gAy for Emerald

Emerald: *walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes as he walk pass the shirtless Darkness*

Darkness: morning Emmy~ *casually drinking water*

Emerald: ..? *turns around* good morning Dark- *blinks then turns around and continue his walk* /(≧ x ≦)\


Sand: 030.. I'm bored *rolling on the ground as his sand makes it easier to roll with*


Sand: •-•...

Cloud: *chasing after his clouds* no! Wait!! *saw Sand then stops* Sand! Please help me! The clouds won't listen to me! ><||

Sand: uh um.. sure?

Few minutes later

Cloud: thank you Sand!! *hugs Sand as a reward*

Sand: no problem buddy!! And maybe~ a kiss on the cheek?? *joking*

Cloud: e-er.. *kissed Sand on the cheek before summoning his clouds and zooms off* >\\\<

Sand: I-I.. O//O.. *was not expecting that*

Cloud could never get Sand's joke and he is glad about it-


Magnet: *trying out his fashion clothes but he wasn't confident on wearing them* Eclipse *turns his whole body around and shows it to him* how do I look?

Eclipse: *glance up from his phone* you look great babe *glance back down*

Magnet: oh ok.. *realizes and immediately tries to act cool* (he just call me, babe!?) ////

Eclipse: *internally panicking when it slipped out of his tongue* (..fck) *blushing slightly as he covers himself more*

Say thank you to Eclipse internet friends who says stuff like that to him!!


The ones in London

Seeker: *knocks on the door* hello??? *wants to use the bathroom but it was locked but it seems like no one is in there* oh whatever! *somehow breaks the lock then went in and chokes at the sight of Gold naked in the shower* s-sorry.. I'll just go- *awkwardly backing away*

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