HOT HOT HOT- *dies*

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(Don't play the song till the end of the dare, if you are at the end of the dare which is who won then you can play it)
((And.. sorry DragonKiller249 if your character doesn't act like one!))

Guys! Remember the competition? Well I would give you time till my school reopens so don't rush! You still have time! You can remake it if you feel like it needs improvements!

Author out~!

Before any incident happen

Luna: Wait.. why Do we have to do this dare?

Dragon: *have purple eyes with sparkly galaxy hair* cause I'll be joining too!

Luna: TwT I'm gonna die

Dragon: oh! Even the Author have to join!

Wait, WHAT!?

Dragon: wow same kind of reaction like Luna, but come on! Let's do it together!

Nope Nope nope nope nope *disappears*

Dragon: aw...

Luna: =^=||| lets get it started!


Dragon: *appears in the living room with a speaker, looks around and saw all of them sleeping in different places* huehuehue *switch on the speaker then shouts in it* RISE AND SHINE!

BBB6: *jolts up* HUWAAAA—

Thorn: *fell down from the table* oof! QwQ

Solar: *fell down from the chair he was sleeping on* ow?!

Blaze: *came rolling down the stairs* ow ow ow ow ow

Cyclone: *fell off the fan and hits the floor, face first* ouch...

Earthquake: *accidentally cuts....... a fish* !?

Thunderstorm: *roll down from the couch and hits the floor* ==...

Ice: Zzzzzz...

Dragon; *sweatdrops looking at Ice still sleeping* his still asleep..

Luna: *teleports into the room and saw* •~• what happen?

Thunderstorm: *grumbles* life..

Luna: •~•|||| *looks at Dragon* did you wake them up with a speaker?

Dragon: |||||| n-no *throws the speaker away*

Luna: Mkay~

Earthquake: *came in and looks at Dragon* ^^|| um.. can you explain why you wake us up?

Dragon: yea! It's.... um... why did I came here again?

BBB6 and Luna: *falls down anime style* aduiiiiiiii ma..

Dragon: oh! Now I remember!

Luna: *stands up* which is..?

BBB6: *stands up as well* ??

Dragon: you guys have to eat spicy noodle! No drinking is allow! Who is the last wins the challenge! And I'll join just to make it fair

Luna: QwQ my life


Ice: Zzzzzz


All: *sitting on the chair and a table in front of them with a spicy noodle, gulps*

Dragon: alright! Let's start it.. in three...

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now