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Moon: >W<

Rune: yes..

Luna and Moon: *Dash off*

Rune: *sweatdrops*

Nikki: *secretly follows* =^= hehehe


Luna: *crashes into a studio* IMMA DRAG YOU GUYS WITHOUT PERMISSION!

The guys: Uhhh—

Luna: *opens a portal beneath them then they all fall and well.. scream for their lives* YEEET! *jumps into a portal*

With the BBBs

Moon: OwO~

Earthquake: so, are you saying that we are doing a..?

Moon: ^w^~

Earthquake: oh ok ^^

Thunderstorm: the.. hell.. you understand that?

Earthquake: living with Thorn do make some advantages *smiles*

Thunderstorm: -_- true

Solar; *heard a crashing sound in their backyard* what was that?

Thorn: OWO please be trolls!! *runs off*

Cyclone: But Thorn!! They are scary! *chase after*

Blaze: he watch to much Frozen *laughs and follows them*

Ice: *also following because he is curious*

Earthquake and Thunderstorm: *walks*

Solar: . . . Must be Luna with her portal accident *facepalm*

At the backyard

Luna: *giggling* Sorry! I always do this to almost everyone! Well.. maybe all

?: ACK?! My back!

¿: really? Are you that old?

?: yah! That guy is the grandpa not me! I'm the handsome son!

All: *groans*

Luna: =~= we get it Jin..

Jin: hmp! *brush his clothes, looking around*

Namjoon: *stuck in a tree* umm.. help?

Jimin: *sitting on top of a huge mochi* how is this here?

Nikki: *hiding behind a bush, taking pictures of Jimin*

Yoongi: *laying on the floor, processing his mind*

Hoseok; *playing with the fallen leaves* Woohoo!! Leaves!!

Jungkook: *is inside the pond because of Taehyung pushing him in* -~-

Taehyung: *laughing but suddenly his arm got grabbed and pulled into the pond, now his clothes is wet* T-T awwww

Jungkook: *laughing mischievously*

Luna: QwQ awwww babies..

Earthquake: BTS?

Bts: *immediately look at Earthquake with a huge smile on their face* mommy number two!!

Jin: What

Earthquake: huh? ||

Thunderstorm: *arrives* them again?

Ice: oh goodie..

Solar: Ohoho~ the famous boy group is here!

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now