DARESSS- and truth

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Cck_519 dare, you have to use your bow to shoot 6 apples on your brothers head

Ice: *looks at the dare* ...sure whatever *summons his icy bow before teleporting back to his house*

Luna: =^= lucky that Ice is good with archery or not.. ehhh


Ice: *walks down the stairs with his icy bow, look up at the ceiling and saw Thorn somehow stick to the ceiling* ......Wew *saw the apple on top of his head, getting into stance and shoots*

Thorn: owo *reading a book upside down, focusing on the reading the words* B.. bah... ban... Banajdjhvdjjdkel!! Yay!! *feels cold all of sudden, shivers, looks down and saw Ice* Ice?

Ice: *just waves his hand and walks off*

Thorn: o-o.. *shrugs and continues*


Earthquake: *cleaning the backyard, humming his favorite song*

Ice: *strolls around the place then saw his target* .. *get ready, pulls back the string then let it go*

Earthquake: *felt like his body move a bit* what? *look up at his head and saw a bit of snow* eh? It's winter already?

Ice: *saw then shakes his head, walks away to find his other target*


Cyclone: YEEEEHAWWWW *riding a horse with Blaze behind him riding a bull*

Blaze: FASTER BULL!! *slaps the Bull's body*

Bull: (== I didn't get to pay for this..) *made a noise then runs faster until they reach beside Cyclone's horse*

Cyclone: howdy there mate! *smiles while bowing a bit* I see that you finally reach me!

Blaze: well duh! I can be more faster then you!!

Ice: *riding on his polar bear, eating snacks too* .. *saw them passing by in a speed of light* hmmm.. *summons his icy bow, stands up on his polar bear, pull the string back as an arrow forms* ... *lets go*

Blaze: *have an apple on his hand which is a bit cold* Oo!! An apple!

Cyclone: *his apple is slice into half* O0O Wow!

Ice: *chuckles then lays down on his polar bear*


Solar: *busy reading a magazine, checking the new trends* Oh! Majestic! *laughs softly* Magnet will sure to wear these type of clothes!

Ice: *sitting on the couch, already getting* Magnet huh? Must be a busy month for him.. *lets go of the arrow*

Solar: *doesn't notice, continues searching up more ideas to make clothes for Magnet* ohoho! This is definitely fabulous!

Ice: ..guess he never notice when he is in that world..


Ice: *is now upside down, hanging on the tree branch when he saw his last target* Thunder..

Thunderstorm: *casually listening to some random songs that Blaze recommended*

Ice: how am I going to do this.. Thunderstorm always have his guards up-

Thunderstorm: Aw.. *bends down to a little kitten that suddenly came from no where* hello there you little cutie~

Luna: *disguise as a kitten* =w= mew mew! (=-= darn it.. why did I lose that bet..)

Ice: that.. was easy.. *shrugs, getting ready again* last one.. make it count.. *close his eyes then let's go and only hear nothing but the nature* ...good

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now