505 17 236

Dare: anonymouz_01 Gasky_RinAki xXLexi_W18Xx
Truth: anonymouz_01

Rune: *lands on the ground, glaring at Luna*

Luna: wut?

Rune: why am I involve?

Luna: =w= oh~ yea~ replace me for awhile~ *runs away*

Rune: I.. *sighs* that wolf.. *vanish*


Rune: *walking around in the house, is a bit lost* I don't even know where is Quake.. *looking for him* where is he? *heard noises in the backyard* huh? *walks out to the backyard and saw* ......

Earthquake: *only wearing his jacket, which is zip open and well short pants* GUH! *smashing every object that is thrown at him*

Rune: ... *turn around to face the wall and see a switch* ? *clicks it*

Earthquake: *suddenly stop because of there is nothing thrown at him* ?? *turn his head to see Rune* Rune? What are you doing here?

Rune: *heard her name, didn't bother to look at Earthquake* you got a truth..

Earthquake: *is puzzled why Run isn't looking at him* um, What is it?

Rune: how did you feel after getting annoyed by your brothers?

Earthquake: *takes a deep breath and sighs loudly* I think you know how I feel *is holding a stick, clench his fist and the stick breaks into pieces* ^^💢

Rune: Yeah, I know. That bunny would never stop teasing me or even bother me == *walks back into the house* talk to you again, next time

Earthquake: you too!



Ice: *currently sleeping peacefully*

Blaze: *quietly playing his Xbox alone*

Cyclone: *reading a book with Thunderstorm* this is addictive!

Thunderstorm: told you *slightly smiles at Cyclone*

Cyclone: *saw his smile, feeling relief then smiles back*

Rune: *open the door, peeks in* hello?

BBB3: oh Rune, hi

Ice: *wakes up slowly* ..?

Rune: *walk in, close the door then sits on the ground, looking at them* you got dares

Thunderstorm: what is it now?

Rune; firstly to Blaze and Ice

Blaze and Ice: ??

Rune: change your personality

Blaze: sure~ I always wanted to know what does Ice do in his lifeu!

Ice; ..ok

Rune: also..

Cyclone: another dare?

Rune: kind of? *snaps fingers then teleports everyone in valley full of variety of flowers*

Blaze: *already acting like Ice, just lazily smiles at the sight*

Ice: *smiling* Beautiful!

Cyclone: WOAH!! *jumps up and down*

Thunderstorm: wow.

Solar: *chilling with Thorn*

Thorn: *talks to the flowers* ^w^

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now