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Luna; ;w; you are going to break your fingers again

Shush, it's worth it

Luna: ;3;..


Dare: _Amethyx_ and Rin_Gasky_Chi

Luna: *teleports almost everyone in the park, bangs a frying pan with a metal spoon* WAKE UP! YOU ALL HAVE A DARE TO DO!

The main seven: *wakes up, well more likely jolts up*

Darkness: why am I in bad luck again~?

Emerald: ^^ I am also here, Darkness. You are not alone

Cloud: m-me too //


Eclipse: *grumbles*

Techno: and, we are back

Chrome: 0-0 how am I here?

Luna: Okay! To make this quick! All except Blaze wear a tutu! *snaps fingers*

Earthquake: *looking down at his tutu* it's a skirt?

Thunderstorm: *covering himself, glares*

Cyclone: wowie! I'm a girl now!

Ice: *mentally sighs*

Thorn: >w< Beautiful~

Solar: *checks himself in his camera* Oo~ I look adorable in this

Darkness: is this how girls feel? *pulling the tutu*

Emerald: *already use to it, twirls around*

Cloud: *shyly cover with his teddy* d-don't look!! \\\\

Sand: oAo.. a girls thing!

Eclipse: ........ (what the fck am I wearing?)

Chrome: *spins around, laughing*

Techno: *not sure how to feel*

Blaze: IM FREE—

Luna: don't get to hype Blaze..

Blaze: (=-=)

Luna: cause you are going to date with Reverse Ice!

Blaze: WHAT—

Ice: *actually blinks*

Luna: Yeah, you have to turn to reverse Ice, I'm lazy to bring in the other reverse of you

Ice: ... *shakes head, walks off to a distance*

Luna: next! Quake, Thunder and Cycy!

Earthquake: ?

Thunderstorm: what now?

Cyclone: •-•?

Luna: you three! Go on a date!

Trio: huh?

Luna: since I don't get what _Amethyx_ really means and I'm lazy to ask, you three go on a date with~

RY.Quake: *beside Luna, holding a knife tightly* hello there children~

Earthquake: ||||||||

RY.Cycy: *also beside Luna, twirling a small knife then grins* well, well, well~ it looks like we meet again~

Cyclone: *roll eyes*

FemThunder: *in front of Luna, smiles* h-hi~

Thunderstorm: *CRINGE*

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now