When life doesn't give you chocolates

343 14 96

Not a dare, just something random

Diana: Diana_nightcore
Kat: xXLexi_W18Xx
Lax: UserGalaxy


Thunderstorm: I hate this -_-

Kat: *is turn into a chibi, now sitting on Thunderstorm's hat* owo at least it didn't involve you!

Thunderstorm: true

Earthquake: L-Luna!! We'll buy you chocolates! Calm down!! *sweat-drops while following Luna*

Luna: REEEEEE *chasing after Solar who ate her last chocolate*

Solar: |||||| OH MY GOD DEAR IM SORRY!!

Cyclone: *dumbfounded* what happen?? *just got back home right after he finish his task from Quake*

Thorn: owo apparently, Solar ate Luna's last chocolate and she's on her period!

Cyclone: ._. That can't be good

Blaze: *laughing at the situation, it was his fault that this happen*


Blaze: *passing by Luna's room* hm~ hm~ hm~ *humming randomly*


Blaze: *startled* !? *wanting to hear so he leans in near the door frame and listens*

Diana: if you want to stop it, then get pregnant -3-||| *have been hearing Luna screaming here and there*

Luna: *having a tantrum* shut up! I just need my chocolates! *searching* UGH- *almost throw the pillow at Diana but just throws it to her bed and flops there* uuuuggghhh

Diana: *sweat-drops* I'll find you, your chocolate.. will that help you calm down?

Luna: YES! *is now crying* T-T I'm going to kill the person who eats my chocolates!

Blaze: *Ting, a mischievous grin appears*

Ice: *not that far from Blaze, saw the grin, backs away and ignore what's going to happen*


Blaze: ^~^ this is for you! *giving Luna's chocolate he found laying on the table to Solar*

Solar: *was busy doing experiments of duplication, looking at the chocolate* are you sure this isn't some type of prank you are pulling off, dear? *wiping his specs cautiously*

Blaze: nopy nope! I bought it with my own money! *smiles innocently*

Solar: hm.. fine *takes the chocolate*

Blaze: (I knew Thorn's lesson payed off! Now time to hide~) *hugs Solar* Yay!! Be happy~ *runs off*

Solar: ..eh *shrugs his shoulders before taking off the wrapper of the chocolate and eats it*

Luna: *heard it*

Back to the present

Diana: *breathing heavily, leaning herself against the chair* have anyone seen Luna?? I bought her chocolates- *saw the chocolates on her hands gone* what-

Luna: *running up the stairs with the chocolates and a dead Solar*

Solar: X~X what did I do to deserve this?

Diana: Luna!! Don't throw off Solar! *chase after Luna*

Earthquake: *collapse onto the floor, panting* who made this happen? *sits up, looking more like glaring at the troublemakers*

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now