A dateeee with, eviiiil-

285 18 27

Dare: kyunahidari

This is like any typical dare but let's do it.. since.. someone miss me that much |||
And I'm sorry if it feels like a rush or something or I can't finish your dare, I really don't have any mood to.. well.. do the dares.. I'm sorry and.. sorry for doing this late!! Be grateful that I update today!
And I change Luna's appearance.. eheh.. hope it's okay for you guys, I love the design for her but that Luna is my real one not the one in here~ comparison!!



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Man they look different from each other but that's good, at least you know now

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Man they look different from each other but that's good, at least you know now


Luna: *arms got wrapped with bandages* =3= I thought the glass won't hit me

Kyuna: *sitting next to Luna, looking at Earthquake and Luna*

Earthquake: ^^||| Luna, this is why you should listen to the older one *the one who wrapped Luna's arm with bandages* and *look at Kyuna* who you might be?

Luna: (o3o But I'm older then you)

Kyuna: Kyuna! I have given you a dare-

Luna: OH! Now I just remembered why I jump through the window from Thundy's room!

Thunderstorm: *walking down the stairs, glaring* it must be a good reason.. *walk into a room*

Luna: owo ya, it is

Thorn: *pops up* OwO what is it??

Kyuna: a date~ it's just a simple dare!

Thunderstorm: *groans could be heard from him inside a room*

Earthquake: a date?

Thorn: owo.. what kind of date?

Kyuna: well- *mouth got covered then arms got grab* •x•?

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now