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So um.. drama happened =^=|||

Anyways, I'm here to tell y'all that I won't be updating as much.
School is just around the corner.
But don't worry, I'll update again soon~ maybe when it's March or when I have free time!
I'll always be online though, I might be like in and out of wattpad.

So if anyone have truth or dares just yeet it at me!

Also, you can find me at IG- @ arieneriz
You can talk to me any time you want!
I don't mind, I already talk to a lot of people and knowing their problems are similar to each other and especially mine-
Made me realize that everyone is going through the same thing.

Before the new decade takes over, I just want to say..

I'm sorry

I'm sorry if I made mistakes
I'm sorry if I ever hurt you
I'm sorry for being stupid
I'm sorry for being rude
I'm sorry for making drama happened
I'm sorry for dragging y'all into it
I'm sorry for everything
I.. I'm also sorry for lying
I'm so sorry-

I am actually hurt in many ways, directly and indirectly.
I don't dare to say it out loud.
Not unless, you had provoked me too much.
I am actually tired right now..
I am not actually stable..
I have had my breakdowns
I am stress
I am worried mix with anger
I do have those negative thoughts but I chose to ignore them but it only made it worse for me
I do have thoughts on quitting wattpad, leaving IG, deleting WhatsApp, everything!
But I couldn't.. because-

Wattpad: you sweet readers always made my day and I just couldn't help but to update, and it's also because I have way too many ideas for the dares and truths, that's just how it is-

IG: oh my god, I don't know how to start.. you guys are everything to me.. I love you guys so much.. we may have ups and downs by that is why I still stuck by! Because you guys make my online life interesting and fun!

WhatsApp: it's where I have to communicate with my fams and school life, so I can't just delete my WhatsApp and also, it's where I can RP with my friend and talk to them!

Other apps: it's too precious to be deleted away-

Wkndjdjdjdjhdsh I hate that I can get mad so damn easily-
Some people are actually scared of me, I find it a good thing and sad thing..
Good that they at least don't bother me as much
Sad that.. I don't want people to view me as 'godzilla' or smth like that
It just hurts-

I just.. I'm sorry.. I sound pathetic right now and sounding like a victim of something.. but eh- at least I know I'm a living human being not a robot-



It's so hard to express when I have that!

Like one minute I'm a positive bitch
The other minute I'm a lonely depressed hooman
And the other minute is where I'm being sarcastic woooman

Yes, I pick up these traits from IG-

They have affected my life so much that I don't mind at all.

By the way, I respect, care and love you readers!
I'm quiet happy that you guys enjoy my cringy-ass Truth or dare book!
One of my most proudest books ever-
You readers need to know that, you aren't suffering alone, you can see that I am also suffering with life.
Depression and anxiety shits runs in my vein- blood.
But that doesn't stop me from well- doing wattpad! Reply to comments! RP with you guys! And so much more.
I am grateful to have you guys as my readers, like I really am!
Some may be salty to me and hurt me in some ways but I don't mind!
Y'all are probably going through some shits and probably thinking my life is heaven. But guess what? My life is hell.

Boboiboy Truth or Dare! (And some other random things)Where stories live. Discover now