Betrayal Of The Heart

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Alonna's Pov(In the pic)

When I walked in the house it was quiet as fuck so I guessed everybody was asleep but it was weird they were sleep this early.I went to my room and took off my uniform.

When Jay said she was kicking Darius ass out I was happy and I hope she go through with it because that nigga was draining my best friend and I never seen her like this not even while dealing with Chris.

I went and knocked on her door but she didn't answer,I knocked again and she still aint answer so I slowly walked in and I saw her laying on the floor covered in a green towel and she had blood all on her face.

I ran towards her and shook her

"Jay wake up"I said crying,She opened her eyes a little bit
She looked dazed and confused but wouldn't say anything,she just looked at the ceiling.

"Jay place stay awake for me"She slowly nodded

I ran and grabbed her phone off the dresser and called 911....

Chris Pov

When I came back Bree and Shad was sitting on the couch.

"Whats up yall"I said sitting in the love seat by them

"Hey man,long time no see"I laughed

"Yea I know man,Where is Amanda"I asked

"She in her car seat knocked out"I grabbed her baby bag and the car seat

"Well im bout to go and thanks for watching her for me"I said giving Bree a hug and handing her $100

"No problem"I dapped Shad

"See you dude and keep in touch"I nodded

"I will,aight yall"I said leaving out the door


When I got home I washed her up,fed her then put her back to sleep then I went to sleep myself.

Jaylen's Pov

I could hear distant voices and a beeping machine and I felt someone holding both of my hands,I used all the strength I had to open my eyes then I saw my mom holding my left hand and my dad holding my right and Alonna was holding Zayden and my sister standing by the window from a distance.

"Jay you're awake baby?"My mom asked kissing my forehead

"Momma"I said softly gripping her hand tighter

"Hey,baby what happened"She asked,I slowly sat up and felt pain through my whole body

"Baby girl don't move so fast"My dad said helping me

"Thanks,How long I been here"I said looking around

"Only since last night,Are you ok?"Alonna said sitting at the edge of the bed notice everything was blurry

"Yea,i think so,I don't know what happened"I asked trying to remember

"Well you have to try to remember,I know it has something to do with Darius"Alonna said

"All I know is after I asked Darius to leave I came out the bathroom and he basically attacked me"I said still trying to remember

"Im gonna kill him"My dad said

"Please Rick not here,it's bad enough as it is now so let's not get worked up at least until she's out of the hospital"My mom said calming my dad down

"Baby the police are gonna ask you some questions and it's completely up to you on what you want to do about this"My mom said

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