Chapter 18

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A few days later we were standing out in the mall parking lot. Me and Caleb waited on the side walk as Grace, Gavin, and two other girls came walking towards us.

"Hey guys! I hope you don't mind if we have a triple date. My friends wanted to come as well." She said motioning towards the two girls. They were holding hands and I smiled at them.

One had long red hair and the other had short brown hair with glasses.

"I'm Jordyn! It's nice to meet you! This is my girlfriend, Payton." The girl with glasses said. Payton smiled at us. Grace clapped her hands together.

"Alright ladies!" Grace said.

"We are not ladies." Gavin said standing in front of Grace beside Caleb. Caleb nodded in agreement.

"I don't want to be called lady." Caleb said. Payton, Jordyn, and I laughed. Caleb turned towards me.

"Hey! That's not funny!" He said crossing his arms. I sighed and kissed him on his nose. A switch moved in his brain. Yay. He loved me again.

After a while of talking we went inside the mall and tracked down the movie theater.

We all protested about what movie we wanted to watch. Grace said that she wouldn't mind watching Ninjas Of Love. But there was no way we were watching that.

"Ew Grace!" Payton said turning away. Jordyn just laughed. I sighed and shook my head.

Payton and Jordyn wanted to watch the Space Between Us so we all went with that. We all sat together as Grace was carrying popcorn. We sat through endless adds and movie trailers.

"Man, when is the actual movie gonna start?" Caleb said putting his arms behind his head. I smiled at his words and looked to see the others agreeing with him. I turned back towards the screen.

I felt a sudden pain in my head and I looked down. I put my hand against my forhead and my breath hitched. I groaned a little bit.

I heard Caleb shift beside me.

"Is everything okay Kori?" He asked as I looked up while holding my head.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a sudden headache." I said. We looked back towards the screen to see the movie was starting. Caleb again looked at me and I smiled.

The lights dimmed and the movie started. As the movie was playing I heard Caleb yawn. I rolled my eyes as he placed his arm over my shoulders. Cliche as always. I looked at the screen and put my head on Calebs shoulder. He kissed my forehead and we watched the movie.


We all stood outside.

"Good movie!" Jordyn said as Payton agreed.

"I still would have settled for Ninjas of Love." Grace said laughing. I sighed at Grace. Gavin just looked at Grace then looked away. After a while we all said our goodbyes.

"Well we gotta go! See ya guys!" Grace said as Gavin took her hand and started walking away. Soon after that Jordyn and Payton left.

And very soon after that we heard thunder. I sighed. I didn't bring an umbrella and I know Ca-

My thoughts we're interrupted by something stopping the rain that was pounding on my skin.

"Where did you put this?" I asked. He laughed.

"I honestly brought it and left it out here during the movie. I was surprised it was still here though." He said as he held the umbrella over both of us. I smiled at him.

We started walking since we couldn't really get a ride back. Caleb motorcycle was in the shop and his limousine driver was driving his parents to a conference.  I felt that sudden pain in my head and stopped. Caleb looked at me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked as he stopped beside me. I slowly nodded. The pain went away as quick as it came.

"Yah, I'm fine." I said.

"We can sit down somewhere is it will help." He said. I smiled at him.

"No it's okay. It's just a headache, Caleb." I said. He smiled at me and we continued walking. But I couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching us.


We could barely see anything through the rain and the fog. I wiped my face with my jacket sleeve.

"Why is it taking so long?" I asked. Caleb shook his head.

"I don't know. " He said sighing. We stopped in a ally way beside a bar. I looked up and sighed.

"Oh, my drivers on his way back. He can pick us up in about 20 minutes." He said looking at his phone. I released a sigh of relief as he put his phone is pocket. We waited for awhile but then heard a bing from Caleb's phone.

"Crap." He said scrolling through something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Roads are on shut down because of the rain. So it must be a thirty minute delay." He said putting his phone away again.

"Ugh." I said.

All of our thoughts of not being picked up soon were interrupted. 

By the sound of a gunshot.

|Hey guys! I guess this is not a very happy note to end on but I decided to leave a cliff hanger because you know me! I love drama. Just kidding, but I did not want to put the whole problem in this chapter. So sorry I'm making you wait! I also am thinking about ending the series in two or three chapters. I want to see your thoughts on me ending it. But anyways I hoped you enjoyed reading and I will see you guys next chapter!|

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