Chapter 4

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"Good morning and how may I help you ladies?" , our schools receptionist says with a huge smile on her face. "Hi ,  we're here to collect our class schedules and text books for the year", I say for me and Maddie with almost as big of a smile. "Names?", she asks , "Madelyn Cooper and Tiffany Thomson.", I reply as she types our names into the computer.

We waited there for about ten minutes and she finally printed out our schedules and gave us our text books and locker numbers.

Just as I turn to face the locker hall , I hear a huge 'BANG' and the next thing , I find myself on the floor.  "Hey, watch where you're going!",I shout with anger as I pick up my things. "I am so sorry, I didn't see you there",a tall guy with a Spanish accent says and helps me pick up my text books. "Thanks", I say, without meaning it and I walked away.

"Argh, people should learn to use their eyes!", I tell Maddie and she just giggles at my anger filled statement. We finally finds our lockers and inspect our schedules to see which classes we have together.

Fortunately for both our good , we have math, biology, dramatic arts and gym together.

My first class is Chemistry and Maddie has English. We part ways and go to our classes.

After looking for my class for what felt like forever, I finally find it.  I make it on time, with 5 minutes to spare. That was a shock for me  because I'm not that big on time keeping.

I take a seat in front row and wait for the class to begin.

"Good morning learners, I am Mr Willson and I'll be your Chemistry teacher", the middle aged man says.

After introducing himself , he gets right into the syllabus, "types of bonds", he says and we all flip to the page.

"Yayy, I love chemistry." I say under my breath then look towards my right  only to find the  guy sitting next to me starring, with both eyes popping out. He then chuckles and I just give him a smile and look away.


TTTTRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGG!!! ,  "there goes chemistry" ,my subconscious says and I can feel a part of my heart breaking off. The whole class gets up and moves to their next classes.

My next class is Drama and all I can think of is seeing Maddie, yayy!

The hall is crowded and I have to squeeze myself through in order to make to class on time. The auditorium is on the first floor and I literally run down the hall to reach the stair case." I hope make it on time" , I say to no one in particular.

"Tiff, wait up", Maddie yells out and I do as she says. "Hey Sweets, how was chemistry?" she asks, " awesome", I say at a high pitch as we accelerate ourselves down the stairs to the auditorium.

We finally reach our destination and take our seats.

Drama was great and it's now time for lunch. Maddie and I, along with the rest of the school move to the cafeteria to fill up our now cramping stomachs.

We spot a table next to the door where we sit with the rest of our best friend population. Loren , Kim , Trisha and Octavia are our other friends and we all catch up over our undercooked cafeteria pizza.

"Guys check out the cuties", Loren says and we all look around  and spot a group of good looking guys entering the cafeteria.

"Argh, they're just okay", I tell my friends and they all gaze at me as if I kill panda bears for a living. "Yeah right", Trisha says as she rolls her eyes and we all chuckle at her.

I continue poking my pizza and Maddie shoulder bumps me, "huh?", I look at her, "check who's part of the cuties", she says and my head makes a perfect 180° ,only to spot the clumsy guy who I probably gained a few bruises from.

The guy with the Spanish accent.

And that's chapter 4 . I tried making it a bit longer .

I hope yall are enjoying the book.
Please comment and continue reading.

Love yallz
&God bless :)

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