Chapter 17

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'I wonder what they're doing here. I thought Tyler was dating that red head from the party.' I inwardly try to analyze this situation. "Uhm, let's go sit down Tiffany. ", Coby wipes me from my thoughts.  We then move to our table and Coby sits in front of me. "Are you okay?", Coby asks. "Yeah, I'm good, why wouldn't I be?", I assure him. "You seemed a bit puzzled back there.", he says, "No, I was feeling a bit of pain on my ankle, that's why I stooped. But it's all good now.", I make a story up.

we then both dig into our burgers and I'm so stuffed. "Coby, you're gonna pay for messing up my diet.", I joke. "Well you still look good to me.", he states as he checks me out and I can't help but laugh. I'm actually enjoying his company.

Tyler and Dioxy on the other hand are giving us weird looks as we laugh. I want to ask Coby if he's dating Dioxy because they seemed quite cozy at the pizza joint the other day. The thought unfortunately slips my mind.

My pocket starts buzzing and I instantly pull out my phone to check who it is. It's my mom. "Hello mom, I'm on my way. I had a few things to do before coming back home. I'll see you later. Love you", I rant before she could have anything else to say.

Coby chuckles and he seems a bit shocked by how fast I spoke. "You should be a sports commentator, you speak super fast. ", he says and shakes his head. I don't find the words to respond but my cheeks respond for me as they are now turning into a bright shade of pink.

A bit of silence emerges between us and it's not awkward at all. It's a comfortable silence. I find I find myself analysing Coby's features and I recall how gorgeous he looks. Coby and I then look into each others eyes. I could do this for the rest of the day. "You're beautiful Tiffany.", Coby says and breaks the silence. "Thank you Coby.", I finally get the words to respond. "Yeah sure. Uhhm didn't you tell your mom you're on your way?", he asks, "Oh yeah, I did. I have to go now.", I say and stand up. "I could give you a lift." Coby says. "No thanks I'm good. I'll take a cab.", I assure him. "Okay cool, please take my number and make sure you tell me when you arrive." He says and calls out his number for me to dial into my phone. "I'll call you later.", I say and give him a quick hug before I leave.

I finally manage to get a cab and a few minutes later I'm dropped off by my drive way. It's dark outside and I check the time it's 18:50. I'm dead.

I get into the house to find my mom waiting for me. She seems quite mad. "Hey mom.", I say and look down to avoid any eye contact. "Tiffany Alexa Thomson, where have been?", she asks. "I was out with a friend.", I say and she's not even moved by my statement. "And you decide to come back this late? You've could've at least called . This is no time for a young girl to be coming back home. I was worried sick about you.", she says. "I'm sorry mom, I'll call next time, and besides it's only seven o'clock.",  I say and she just gives me a 'I'm warning you' look and I immediately rephrase my statement.

My mom finally let's me go and after my night activities, I dive onto my bed and starting thinking about my day. 'Oh shoot, I said I'll call Coby when I get home.', my subconscious reminds me. I then type his name into my phone and make the call. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hello, Tiffany is that you?", he asks. "Yeah, hey!", "Dude! I've been waiting for your call for so long.", he exclaims. "Chill, I forgot to call you. My mom was all worked up about me arriving late and stuff.", I explain. "Oh , cool I hope I didn't get you into any trouble.", "not really, we worked it out.", I assure him.

We then carry out our conversation for about another 15 minutes and sleep slowly crepes over me. Coby is busy telling me something about someone and I'm half asleep. "Tiffany, are you sleeping?", "uh huh... I mean that's really cool.", I tell say and he starts laughing. "You're sleeping aren't you?", he asks. "Sorry... I passed out", I tell him. "Wow! You're such a sucker for sleep. Anyway goodnight.", he says. "Good night Coby.", I tell him and drift back to dream land.

Chapter 17 is finally done. Coby seems like a good guy right, haha. Thanks for reading♡

Love yallz
& God Bless:)

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