Chapter 22

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"Okay students today we'll be performing scenes from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.", our teacher announces and to my surprise the class keeps quiet. "I will be pairing you up and the pair that makes the best performance will star in the schools annual play as Romeo and Juliet." She says and whips out the class list. "Anderson will be paired with Beson, Debby with Cathy, Maddelyn with Johnson... and last but not least, Tiffany you'll be paired with Davison."

'You just had to pair me with Tyler argh', my subconscious says with much annoyance. Can this day get any worse?

"Now in your pairs students, we don't have much time.", our teacher says and hands us our scripts. We all scatter around the auditorium and Tyler and I find a spot behind the stage stairs. "Okay let's practice", I say trying to prevent further awkwardness between us. "Romeo, oh Romeo, where art thou oh Romeo?", I read out my lines and Tyler just stairs at me. "You're supposed to read out the next line.", I remind him and sit down, this boot is weighing me down. "What is your problem Tiffany?", he asks and I just give him a blunt look and he sits next to me. "what do you mean what is my problem? I'm trying to rehearse here!", I rudely reply. "I'm not talking about this!", he says waving the script in my face. "What then? ", I say, getting impatient with him. "I'm talking about you, why do you push away anyone who could possibly love you?", he surprisingly says in a calm tone.

"Tyler I don't need this now, my day is already messed up and I don't feel like talking, please", "Well you're gonna listen. Tiffany I've had feelings for you ever since that day at the party. Yes I know you were drunk and all but I felt something, a spark. Call me delusional but I really like you Tiff.", he confesses and I struggle to gather myself together.
"Tyler... I honestly don't know what to say. Just today I was in tears because of a guy and now this. Uhmm...", I stutter and he immediately stands up and begins to walk away. "Stop!", I pull his arm and he turns to face me. I then lean in and plant a warm, passionate kiss on his lips. Our lips move together in sync. He then grabs my waist and pulls me closer, I involuntarily bite on his lower lip, making him moan with satisfaction. The kiss is becoming hotter and I just can't help but to pull away.

"Uhhm, I ... I am sorry", I say as I breathe heavily. "This was a mistake.", I finish off my statement and begin to walk off stage. "Wait!", he says trying to stop me but I ignore him.

The bell goes off and we all drop our scripts in the box and leave. "Tiffany!", Tyler yells and I speed up only to find Coby standing next to my locker. "And what do you want here?", I ask as rude as I possibly could. "I want to apologise", he says. "Go away Coby.", "nope, we have literature together remember, and it's our next class.", he says and I quickly check my schedule, he's right.  I then start walking and he catches up with me. "Tiffany, I am really sorry. I really don't understand why you're mad.", he foolishly says. "You don't know why I'm mad? Okay fine let me break it down to you, I'm mad because you used me as a pawn to show off to your friends, I'm mad because you're a lier and lastly I am mad because I thought you were different with me, but I guess this is one of your strategies. Well congratulations Coby you got what you wanted, now please leave me the hell alone.", I tell him and enter the class room.

The lesson goes fairly well despite the fact that Coby was desperately seeking my attention and surprisingly I didn't even budge. It's lunch time and I decide to ditch lunch and chill at the field alone. When I got to the pavilion, I spot Coby and Tyler talking. "No, that's a bad idea.", Tyler says to Coby. I wonder what they're talking about. Coby then sees me and climbs off the stairs. "Hey baby.", he says and wraps his arm around me. I try to get it off but I soon notice that Tyler is watching, so I just play along. I send a fake smile to Coby and we start walking together. He then plants a kiss on my cheek and I just blush away. I turn to look at Tyler and he's really furious. He then stands up and walks away.

"That's enough, get off me now.", I tell Coby and remove his hand from my shoulder. He surprisingly does as he's told and keeps his hands to himself. I then take a seat and Coby joins me. "I don't want to fight Coby.", I tell him," I don't either. I am really sorry Tiffany, please forgive me.", he says and flaunts his puppy eyes at me and I just can't help but laugh. He looks cute. "Does that mean I'm forgiven?", he asks and I pretend to think about it. "Yes, but don't think you can walk over me.", I warn him and he just giggles.

We then sat there making jokes and laughing at anything and everything.

It's been a while since I've last updated but I promise I'll update more often. Thanks for reading. Enjoy

Love yallz
& God bless:)

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