Chapter 18

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I'm woken up by a my buzzing phone. I don't even bother opening my eyes to check who it is. I just swipe and hope that the call will be answered. "What?", I say."Ouch, rude much? ", I recognize the voice it's Loren. "Sorry, you know how cranky I get when someone messes with my sleep.", I say as I rub my eyes and try to sit up. "It's cool, I was waiting for some info on your date with Coby.", I can smell the smirk on her face through the phone."Oh that, it's was okay.", I tell her. "I need more details, but wait let make a conference call with the girls.", she says and I wait for her to merge the calls. I quickly check the time it's 23:19 I've been out for only three hours.

"So how did it go Tiff?", Kim asks. "It was just okay . I kinda enjoyed it actually.", I tell my friends. "Did he leave you with a little kiss at least?", Octavia says and the rest of my friends giggle. "No, he was actually a gentleman. I was so shocked by his behaviour. He didn't try anything funny with me. It was a bit odd if you ask me.", I explain. "That's weird since when was Coby a gentleman. I thought all he did was hook up with girls and leave them with broken hearts.", Octavia says. "Yeah, just be careful with him Tiff, we all know that he's the playboy of the school.", Maddie warns me. "Yeah, thanks Madz , don't worry. I don't intend on becoming too close to him. You guys won't believe who I saw." ,"Who?", they call say in unison. "Dioxy and she was with Tyler, that's weird right.", I say. "Yeah that's kinda weird. She probably forced Tyler to follow you and Coby because I heard that she apparently has something for Coby.", Trish says. "That explains why she was suckling on Coby's lips the other day.", I say. "But it shouldn't be a shock. We all know how she is right.",Maddie says, "yep!", we all say and carry our conversation for a few more hours.

We ended up talking about all sorts of things and the next thing I hear is birds chirping outside. I check the time and it's four in the morning. "Guys it's four o'clock", I announce, "oh my goodness, We've been at it for almost five hours.", Trish says and we all laugh. "Ohh guys let's.....let's get a few hour of sleep", Maddie says between yawns. "Yeah , good night guys, see yall in a few hours and don't forget to pray.", Octavia says." Yeah thank you and it's morning by the way.", Kim reminds her. After we all say our good morning's everyone hangs up.

Two more hours of sleep.


The time is 06:57, I overslept, dammit! I decide to call Maddie and tell her not to pick me up, I'll leave with my mom. I dial in her number and she answers before I hang up. "Hello?", she sounds really sleepy. "Hey Madz, it's me. I overslept, so I'm a bit late, don't bother picking me up okay.", I tell her."Shoot, I'm also late. You woke me up, I'm so late and traffic is a mess at this time.",she panics,"chill, I'll come with my mom, so you have like ten minutes extra. See you later, we need to get ready.", I tell her and hang up.

I then rush to the bathroom and get ready. I really need a bathroom in my bedroom, this is really tiring. "Tiff why are you only up now?", my mom asks,"I overslept, can't speak now. Oh, yeah please give me a ride to school. Thanks", I say and quickly brush my teeth. I also need my own car, I can't keep hijacking rides everywhere.

After my 5 minute shower, I put on grey tracksuits and Tommy's. There's no time for glamour. I then tie my hair into a messy bun and apply just lip balm on my lips. "Mmmhh smells like vanilla", I say to no one in particular.

My mom then pulls out the car from the garage. I skip breakfast and grab my phone, keys and backpack from the counter. I quickly inspect the house before locking the door. School time.

A few minutes later my mom drops me off at the school gate. I plant a quick peck on her cheek before leaving the car.

I try my best to run up the stairs but this boot is slowing me down. I finally reach school door only to find all five of my friends there too. We were all late and the door is locked.

Just when I thought we are the only late ones, Coby runs up the stairs. Why is he late? He usually comes early so that he can have enough time to hit on every girl at school. His arrival puzzles all of us and we all give him blunt looks.

"Hello ladies", he says and scratches he back of his head.

Finally done with chapter 18. Thank you all so much for the support! Enjoy ;)

Love yallz
& God Bless:)

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