Chapter 23

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Just as I was savoring my little moment with Coby, the bell goes off and we both have to go to class. I have math next and I think he's going to business studies or something like that.

Apparently Coby's father runs multiple companies which are to be inherited by him and his brother. Rumor has it that Coby's so called brother is more on the artistic side and I also heard that he swears to never take part in the family business but his father promised that if he helps run the business, he'll open up a art gallery for him to own, meaning that he won't have a choice but to take part in his inheritance. That's so sad. I would die if my mom forced me to take up something that I don't even like, that's straight up brutality.

Coby plants a quick kiss on my cheek and we part ways. He's being a gentleman lately, I guess being mad at him paid off.

I then make a quick trip to my locker to fetch books for the classes I have for the rest of the day. On the way, I spot one of my classmates and we walk together to class.

The rest of the day goes at a fast rate and before I knew it, it was after school. Just as I leave my class, I turn to find Tyler waiting beside the door. "Tiffany we need to talk."he says and I try my best to avoid him, but he continues to walk behind me. "It's about Coby.", he finishes off his statement.

I make a quick stop to hear what he has to say. "Make it quick, I have something to do.", I lie through my teeth.

"Coby doesn't love you Tiff.", he simply states. "And let me guess, you do?", I say in a slightly sarcastic tone.

He just keeps his mouth shut and looks at me straight in my eyes. "Look I know him and he's definitely planning something, please stay away from him. Coby doesn't normally let things slide like this, seeing that you ridiculed him in public today!", Tyler says in a commanding tone.

"Well Tyler, thanks for your concern, but I'm okay. I can look out for myself. Coby might be a bad boy and all but don't worry, I can handle him.", I reassure him. "You don't know what I mean, Tiffany. ", "I don't care what you mean Tyler, I'm fine so please mind your own business.", I rudely state before waking away.

'I wonder why he kept warning me against Coby, I mean Coby wasn't necessarily the innocent one in this whole saga, but yet again, I might have slightly overreacted.', I inwardly remind myself and decided to call the man of the moment, the Cobester himself.

"Hey babe", he says on the other line. "Whooo there mister, let's not get our hopes high, no name calling. You plus me equals just friends.", I giggle at my response. "Ouch, but to what do I owe this honor?", he dramatically asks. "I was just calling in to say enjoy the rest of your day. I'm about to go home with Maddie now.", I tell him, not knowing what my reason for the call was. "Let's just say you miss me." he says and begins to chuckle. "Yeah Yeah, whatever. Bye Coby.", I conclude. "Bye Tiffany.", he says and we both hang up. I'm not exactly sure if I expected more from his last statement but I simply just shove the thought to the back of my head.

'There's still a bet in place Tiffany, remember that.' my subconscious reminds me and I soon agree. I then reach the parking lot to find Maddie on her phone, texting with who knows who. Her dimple appears to be a bit deeper and I think her face is changing colour.

"Hey what's up? I'm so sorry for taking up your time, I was held up by Tyler. Argh he can be a jerk sometimes.", I say but Maddie seems to be too occupied to even give in to what I'm saying. "Huh what was that? ", she asks, finally removing her eyes from her phone. All she gets is a blunt look from yours truly. "Anyway since you're not gonna repeat what you said, I'll be the one to talk. So this Friday there is a party at Davison's house and we're all going." she says and squeaks after her statement.

"But Maddie, we... I just...", I struggle find the right words with which to respond Maddie. My busy friend just places her index finger over my lip clearly shutting me up. "No buts, we're going together and that's that.", my miniature sized "mom" commands and I just sigh in response.

I'm definitely not looking forward to this party, especially because it's at Tyler's place.

Maddie finally gets on the road leading to her place and I quickly facetime my mom on our way there. "Hey mom", I excitedly say. "Hello sweetie, hey Maddie", my mom says clearly noticing that I'm in Maddie's pink infested car. "Hey mom!", Maddie says as she usually calls my mom 'mom'. "I haven't seen you two in so long. why don't you come over for dinner tonight?", my mom suggests. "uhhmm, I have a test to write tomorrow so how about we come over for a late lunch and leave at about seven, seeing that I have some studying to do?", "That's perfect. It's nice seeing my too girls being all independent. See yall in a few, let me get a few sandwiches ready." my mom says and I just smile at how busy she gets whenever visitors come over, even if it's just Maddie and I.

I then hang up and Maddie gets on the road leading to my house. I am starving and I won't lie, I missed my mom and the twins like crazy.

We finally pull up onto the drive way and Maddie and I exit the car as soon as the engine is off. We are welcomed by the smell of my mom's grilled chicken sandwich. "It smell nice in here!", I say and my mom just blushes at my statement, knowing that I was referring to her cooking.

After playing with the twins for a few minutes, we all then sit ourselves by the table, say Grace and dig into the yummy goodness on our plates. A moment of silence fills the table until my mom speaks up. "I spoke to your doctor, Tiff and he says you can take that boot off. He suggests that you take it off late on Friday, since it will be the end of the school week and that way you'll have time to get used to your leg boot-free. He also says you won't need a scan since your ankle wasn't severely hurt and also because you have been taking your calcium supplements. ", I just nod and smile in agreement, I'll finally get this heavy thing off.

We all then sit there and laugh at old memories and at the stories the twins shared about seeing a real life unicorn on the couch.

The clock soon read 19:00 and that was our signal to disappear. Maddie and I soon say our goodbyes say send millions of air kisses for my mom and siblings to catch. After that, it was time to head home. I have studying to do.

Chapter 23 complete! I tried making it a bit long to make up for lost time. I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. I appreciate the love.

Love yallz
& God Bless:)

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