Chapter 11

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"I've never carried so many bags in my entire life. My fingers are also complaining." I whine as I try to carry all these paper bags and walk at the same time.

"Come on Tiff we're almost there!", Maddie says as we both crawl back to the car.

"Why did we get so many clothes again? ", I enquire, with a hint of regret hiding in my voice.

"Well I just bought them because I haven't bought any in like three months but the main reason we went shopping is to help you look good for your new venture into femininity. "Maddie says with a huge smirk plastered on her face.

We finally reach the car and Maddie opens up the boot. We try fit the bags in it but they end up flooding the back seat as well.

After wrestling with the clothes, I finally close the back door and move to the passenger seat. The leather seat immediately cools down my entire body. Just as I'm about to relax, hunger kicks in. "Why don't we get something to eat? ", I ask Maddie. "What do you have in mind,Pizza?", "Exactly what I'm craving. Let's go!  I know a pizza joint down the road they sell the best pizza ever!" I say and Maddie immediately steps on it.

"welcome to pizza'aMigo, my name is Heather and how may I help you? "

"Hey, can we please get a large pizza, with extra cheese and hot pepper toppings." I explain to the kind assistant. "Okay that will be 75 dollars and you'll have to wait for ten to fifteen minutes. ", "okay thanks, here you go.", I give the lady the money and Maddie and I wait by the waiting bench.

"Guess who?", Maddie states, "are we playing a game?", "no dummy,  look at Dioxy and her mean girl squad.", "oh those girls, I can't still believe how the two of us were close with Dioxy. People change.", I cringe.

Dioxy Dupido- the girl we'll always regret making our friend. It was on the first day of junior high when Maddie and I welcomed her into our friendship. She had a rough first day. Being a Latino, she was picked on and made fun of. Maddie and I were passing by the janitor's room and heard someone crying. It was Dioxy. We consoled her and told her that she can become our friend. The three of us were inseparable. We were as tight as a triangle, that was until Dioxy kissed Maddie's boyfriend. It was during the summer. I spotted them kissing at the state water park. When I told Maddie, the two of us swore that we won't let her back into our circle and it has been like that ever since.

"Your pizza is ready girls.", Heather announces bringing me back to sanity. We claim our order and just as we're about the leave the joint, I spot Dioxy with Coby and his group of friends. They are greeting each other and for some reason Dioxy's tongue is down Coby's throat.

"Ewwww, they just got here and Dioxy is already suckling on Coby's lips.", I say as rub the goosebumps off my skin." Not that I'm surprised, she's an expert at kissing, remember that's how she took Nathan away from me." Maddie says. "Don't go back to that place Madz , you were miserable for way too long. I won't allow you to be like that ever again. "I verbally comfort my best friend.

"Yeah thanks Tiff.", "hey, I have an idea,  how about I sleep at your house tonight. You know, to help you get your mind off Dioxy and we can try on the new clothes we bought."I suggest.

"Yeah , totally! That would be awesome. We can have our own fashion show like old times.", she reminds me. "Best part is that we don't have to worry about food, because we have dinner right here. ", I say and pat the pizza box in Maddie's hands. "Let me just call my mom okay? ", "sure please say hi to her for me." Maddie requests and I just nod.

I immediately whip out my phone from my back pocket and dial my moms number into my phone. After the third ring,  she picks up. I ask her to sleep over at Maddie's house and she agrees. After a few precautions and I love you's I end the call.

"Sleepover here we come!", I loudly state and the two of us start giggling like five year olds.

It's going to be a long night.
Luckily Maddie's sisters apartment is sound proof so the neighbors won't complain.

That's chapter 11. Yall have been introduced to a new Character- Dioxy Dupido. I hope you all are enjoying the book.  Thank you so much for the support.

Please keep reading and voting.

Love yallz
&God bless :)

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