Chapter 26

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"What?", I question him. "Uhm yeah, he is my brother.", he bluntly states. "Yeah, I got that part, but how?", I am completely shocked. "we'll my mom and dad...", he attempts to explain. "yeah yeah, I got that part, no need to explain.", I say and he just chuckles.  I appreciate him trying to make me laugh, after the 'incident'.

"would you like something to eat?", he asks and I just nod in response, "a little snack won't hurt I guess.", I say in a jokingly manner and he just stands up and heads towards a locked chest in his closest. He has a secret stash of snacks. A few seconds later, he comes back with two sodas, a packet of sour worms and two packets of Lays chips- my favorite. 

"All my favorites", I say and he chuckles. "I guess you have good taste.", he says and shrugs his shoulders. "Do you know what would go well this whole combo?", "Vanilla ice cream", we say in unison and we both laugh. " And a bit of rum and raisin ice cream.", I say and he immediately cringes and shakes his head. "ewwwww no, rum and raisin ice cream states horrible.", he says and I take offence. "Nope, it tastes awesome especially if you mix with vanilla ice cream, trust me.", I assure him and he continues to refuse. He then joins me on the bed and we both attack the snacks in our gaze.

"Wanna watch a movie? ", he asks, " Yeah sure, but how are we gonna hear past all this music from downstairs?", I innocently enquire. "Don't worry, I have a dope sound system.", he says and switches on the tv that is facing his bed. "which movie do you wanna watch?", he asks. "Anything that is action packed.", I say. "I thought you were gonna say a chick flick or something with romance.", he says and I repeatedly shake my head. "I guess you're different.", he says and plays Taken. "Yes my favorite", I say under my breath and Tyler chuckles, I guess he heard me.

The movie begins and my eyes soon weigh down on me. I try my best to keep them open but I fail dismally so. I then decide to keep them closed for just a few seconds.

I wake up to find myself trapped by a warm body's arms. My eyes then burst open. 'I slept with Tyler', I mentally remind myself and immediately inspect myself for any exposed or missing body parts. I sigh,' still fine', I internally converse with myself. 'how am I getting out of Tyler arms? ', I ask myself. I don't want to wake him up, he's sleeping so peacefully.

He's long lashes are resting on the bottom part of his eyes. He's lips are a bit swollen from sleeping but they look so yummy and he's blonde hair is creeping over his forehead. He's features are enhanced when he's asleep.

Slightly lifting his arm from my body, I manage to untangle myself from his grasp. Just as I attempt to launch off the bed, he moves. Taking a quick glance at him, I find that he's still sleeping and that he was only switching sides. I then gently jump off the bed and head to the bathroom in Tyler's room.

I stare at myself in the crystal clear mirror, I look like a mess. My face is semi dyed from all the mascara I shed when I was crying last night. My hair is all messed up, but there's nothing a little water cannot fix.

I then pour some warm water into the bath for myself and quickly go through the bathroom drawers, hoping to get a brand new facecloth and a toothbrush, "bingo", I say under my breath as I behold my newly found treasure. I then have a quick bath before unboxing the toothbrush so I can put it to use as well. I remind myself to tell Tyler about me using his spare toiletry and dab some water on my hair and ruffle it a bit, before tying it up with the ribbon I always on my left wrist.

"There, spick and span.", I say as I smile at my reflection.
Moving back into the bedroom, I find Tyler sitting on the edge of his bed. "Morning sunshine", Tyler says and smiles. "Hey sleepy head, damn dude you're a heavy sleeper.", I say and we both chuckle. "oh yeah, I used your spare stash of toiletry", I inform him and he just shrugs. "it's cool, lemmi also get ready then we'll go have breakfast. ", I try to protest but he rushes to the bathroom before he could hear me out.

About fifteen minutes later, a even more handsome Tyler appears from the bathroom. "I'm done.", he says and the sunshine catches his face, making him glow. "Do you want something warm to wear?", he offers and I instantly nod, I wasn't feeling comfortable in my crop top anymore. He then hands me a sweater from his wardrobe. "Thanks", the oversized sweater looks a bit big on me, not that I mind it though.

We then move downstairs to find tons of bodies passed out on the couch, the carpet , some girl puking in a bucket, people moaning about headaches. I feel sorry for them because I know how it feels. Hangovers are horrible.

Tyler and I jump over the sleeping people and head to the garage. The garage door automatically opens and we both head into his Porsche. He then reverse out the garage, into the drive way and out the residence.

"How does McDonald's sound?", he asks."Perfect", I respond and immediately grin from ear to ear.

Chapter 26, Done. I hope you all enjoy reading it! Thanks for all the reads and votes.

Love yallz
&God bless:)

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