Chapter 29

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On our walk back to the house, Tyler and I walked hand in hand. It's funny how things aren't awkward after what just happened. "Are you okay?", he asks removing me from my thoughts, "yeah", I say as he unlocks the door. On my entrance I immediately rush to the bathroom to put my clothes back on.

After getting myself together, I then make my way to the lounge.

"Hey!", is the only word that manages to escape my lips as I savor the image before me. The sight of Tyler's upper body is still as overwhelming as it has always been and I can't seem to get used to it. "Hey", he says with a massive grin plastered on his face. I then force my jaw off the ground and try act 'cool'. Placing my feet on the couch (bad habit), I then browse through the TV channels. A moment later I'm met by a huge glass of mango juice to the face and I immediately take a huge gulp and then place the glass on the wooden coffee table. I didn't realize how thirsty I was. "Thanks", I express my gratitude to Tyler and he then plumps on the couch right next to me, with half naked and yummy self.

"Any movie suggestions?", Tyler asks, clearly noticing my cycle through the various channels. "Cartoons?", I sheepishly ask and shrug my shoulders. "SpongeBob!", he says and I nod my head repeatedly in pure agreement. After singing along to the SpongeBob theme song Tyler and I get comfy on the couch and enjoy what seems to be both our favorite cartoon.


"What the hell was that?", I say and immediately jump off the couch. My glass just suddenly broke. "I don't know, but that could only be caused by one thing, a gun.", Tyler says and my heart starts racing. The next bullet was directed to a painting on the wall across from me, as it started moving from side to side. "Oh my goodness Tyler!", I shout and I start breathing heavily. "Keep your head down!", Tyler instructs and I try to reason with him, "now Tiffany!", he shouts and I immediately oblige.

"I need you to listen to me okay?", he says as we both huddle behind the couch we were sitting on. "Okay", I say and blink multiple times, trying to get rid of the tears that were threatening to fall down my cheeks. "Calm down Tiff we're gonna be okay, yeah?", Tyler says attempting to reduce my stress levels and I just nod in response. He then looks at me straight in the eyes and takes my hand. "I need you to crawl to the kitchen and go to the pastry section, behind the spice rack you'll find a green military bag, I need you to bring it here okay?", he says and I nod at the instructions, slowly reciting them in my head. "You can do it Tiff, I got your back.", he says and removing a gun from under the couch. "I'll explain everything later.", he assures me clearly hearing the gasp that just left my lips. He then nods signaling for me to do as he said.

I hesitantly crawl all the way to the kitchen and to the left was the pastry section. After catching my breath I then make my way to the spice rack that Tyler mentioned. I quickly push the rack forward, trying to stay as low as I possibly can. Then I suddenly hear two gun shots come from the lounge. With my breathing getting heavier, I gather myself together and pull the bag from behind the rack. The military bag was heavier than I thought and I gather all the might I have and finally make it back to the lounge. "Oh my word Tyler are you okay?", I ask as I quickly try to help him stop the bleeding coming from his arm. "Quickly, open the bag. There's a first aid kit, grab a some tweezers and a Band-Aid. I need you to remove the bullet from my arm and wrap the Band-Aid around the wound okay?", he instructs and I do just as he says.

After removing the bullet from Tyler's arm, I then wrap the Band-Aid around his wound. "Thanks.", he says as he goes through the bag. He then whips out two bullet vests and a tank top. "Here, wear this.", he says and hands me a bullet vest. After putting on his tank top and a bullet vest, Tyler then removes what looks like a programmed controller from the bag. He then enters a pin code that causes all the windows and doors to be covered by iron sheets. "We don't have much time.", he says and stands up from behind the couch. He then enters a password onto the mini device behind one of the paintings, that opens up a secret path way through the wall. "Come, let's go!", he says and grabs the bag. A moment later the wall closes up and I follow Tyler down to what seems like a stashed basement. We then walk to the car that was currently parked in the basement. "Get in.", Tyler instructs and unlocks the car. "Now, I need you to call your mom and tell her that you'll be at Maddie's for while, and I'll call Maddie", he says and I follow suit.

"Hello?", the sound of my mom's voice brings me to pause. "Tiff?", she calls out.

"Uhm, hey mom. Mom, I won't be coming back home tonight okay? I'll be at Maddie's, I'll call you later."

"Okay baby, are you fine? You don't sound okay."

"I'm fine, just tired from my night out. Nothing to worry about... I love you mom. Kiss the twins for me okay?"

"Okay baby, take care of yourself.", she says and more tears flood my face.

"Everything is going to be fine Tiff. I told Maddie that I'm taking you out for the rest of the weekend and that she must cover up for you." Tyler says and starts the car. "What now Tyler? What's happening?", I ask him. "I'll tell you everything later, for now I need you to switch off both our phones and keep them under that metal device in the bag, it will cut off the network. After doing that, look for two small black phones, and those are the phones we'll be using for now." He says and I nod, doing as he says.

He then drives out the basement landing in the back the yard and suddenly says, "Tiffany, we're being followed."


DAN DAN DAN!!!!! Cliffhanger... I know this chapter is short and everything but I just hope you guys enjoy the action I added. It's a bit rusty but I hope yall like it.

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Keep reading, and thanks a lot for the love!!!


Love yallz

& God bless :)

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