Chapter 28

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After tripping multiple times over my own feet, we finally make it. All I can hear is the sound of water hitting the hard rock. I can't stop thinking about where we could be. "Can I take this thing off already?", I ask impatiently. "Wait, let me place our towels and snacks on the ground.", he says and then hurries to my side. "Ready?", Tyler asks and I let out a frustrated sigh and the maniac next to me just chuckles. "In ten, nine, eight... Just kidding", Tyler jokes and takes removes the blindfold from my eyes. "Tah Dah", Tyler exclaims.

It takes about ten blinks for me to regain my sight. I then gaze at the incredible view in front of me, it is so beautiful here. This place is like a secret oasis with teal coloured water and a very beautiful waterfall. The water almost seems magical as if there is a secret stash of treasure underneath. I can't believe my eyes. "Do you like it?", Tyler asks and I immediately squeal like a twelve year old, " Are you kidding me? I love it!", I finish off and Tyler just laughs at my reaction, causing me to laugh too.

"Let's get in!", he shouts and immediately jumps into the water. "The water is just fine.", he announces as he resurfaces from the water. I then count myself down and on my third count, I cannonballed into the water. The cool water massages my skin and immediately sends goosebumps all over my body. The water hits my scalp and unties my bun. I then attempt to stuff all my hair behind my ears so that I at least do not look like one hairy sasquatch. After my little battle with my hair, I feel something tugging down my legs. I'ts Tyler. I immediatley join him under the water and the two of us look like bubble fish with our inflated cheeks. The sunlight illuminates the water, making Tyler's skin sparkle. He looks like he fell in a bag of pixie dust.

I then resurface from the water and catch my breath. Unfortunately I cannot last longer than a minute and a half underwater. As I attempt to wipe my eyes dry, using my wet hands, a huge splash of water makes my attempt slightly impossible. 'Oh I'm gonna get him back for this.', I subconsciously say and immediately start chasing Tyler around the lagoon. I finally make him pay, by dunking his whole face in the water for at least thirty seconds. After loosening my grip on him, his head flies out the water and a huge gulp of air breaks into his lungs. I couldn't help but to burst into a massive laugh at the site of his pink face.

"oh oh", I say under my breath as I notice the look that Tyler is giving me. Just as I began to run away from him, he grabs me by the waist, pulls me towards him and holds me tight. He then jumps up and down the water, dipping both our bodies into the water. I couldn't help but to gasp in some air every time he jumped up. The cycle took place at least five times. I was exhausted and decided to let him have this round. He then lets go of me and I make a complete ninety degree turn to face him.

"You are one cruel being.", I tell him, "what? You kept my head inside the water for a whole thirty seconds Tiff, I could've died!', he dramatically says. "You're so extra, oh my word.", I say and my eyes roll to confirm that statement. The two of us then find ourselves in a huge bubble of laughter.

"Hey, wanna see something?". he asks, "Yeah, sure, I guess.", I say and shrug my shoulders. Tyler then takes my hand and leads me towards some dome shaped mini cave. It looks so beautiful. The cave is hidden behind the waterfall and there is small pockets of light shining through it. The water in here is slightly warmer and the rocks form a seat like structure. He then takes a seat on the rocks and I do the same.

"This place is beautiful Tyler, now I see why you like it here so much, it's really relaxing.", I tell him, "Thanks", He smiles back. "You have a cute smile.", I say between a slight chuckle. "If I didn't know how hard headed you are, I'd say you are flirting with me there, Miss Thomson.", "What? No, I mean is it wrong to throw in a compliment here and there Mr Davison?", I ask him. "Well, I guess not. In that case, I think I like your lips.", he jokingly says. "You think? Really?", I say giving him a concerned look. "Just kidding, I know I like your lips." He says and then suddenly grabs my face and plants his smooth lips on mine.

His fingers rub soft circles behind my jaw and I can't help but to let out a slight sigh of satisfaction. He then bites on my lower lip and that instantly transports shivers down my spine, making me run my hand through his wet and messy hair. He seems to like that as he pulls me closer to him and intensifies the connection of our lips, resulting in the two of us taking in a huge gulp of air.

Our kiss comes to an end and I am somewhat devastated. We then head back our towels and busk in the sun for a while in complete silence. This is the second time Tyler and I share a kiss, and I must say, I really enjoyed this one.


I know that this chapter is very short but I just wanted to update a new chapter, as I haven't been updating for so long. I hope you like it. Any form of criticism is allowed but please portray it properly. Thank you for reading.


Love Yallz

&God Bless:)

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