Chapter 21

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"As you all know, Coby and I went for a little walk. He then suggested that we go inside the water, so I decided not be as robotic as usual and consider his suggestion. After taking off my shoe and boot, he took off is own and carried me in his arms. We went into the water, but it was a bit cold and so we decided to chill on the sand instead. Before he could put me down, he planted a warm and soothing kiss on my lips. Arghh guys I honestly enjoyed that kiss, it made tingles move up and down my spine. After the passionate moment we had, I felt guilty and demanded that he put he down. He did just that and I asked him what his intentions were. He said it was just a moment and the worst part is that lied about having a thing with Dioxy. Why does she have to be involved, she's so unnecessary", only anger fills my voice.

"What do you mean he lied about Dioxy?", Trish asks, "He said nothing is happening between them, that they're just friends. Since when did friends kiss in public. But then again it's...", my statement is interrupted by my ringing phone. It's Coby.

"What do you want Coby?", "Tiffany, I'm sorry.", he says. "It's Tiff and what are you sorry for, huh? For humiliating me in front of all our friends or for being a complete lying pig, who I've unfortunately caught feelings for.", I say and tears start flowing down my face. "I didn't know saying what I did would hurt your feelings", he says. "What you said didn't only hurt my feelings, it made feel like a cheap piece of junk that you used to flaunt to your friends. Please stay the hell away from me and keep your lies to yourself.", I tell him and hang up the phone.

"Why did I have to have feelings for him, and now he has power over me. I should have just stuck to my bet , none of this would have happened.", I tell my friends and they try to comfort me. "It's okay guys I don't need the pity, it's all my fault for being this gullible. Him and Dioxy deserve each other.", I say try my best to catch some sleep. 'God give me strength.', I inwardly state and close my eyes as more tears wet my pillow.

The next morning my friends and I get ready for school and I am really not looking forward to it. After breakfast we leave the building and head to school.

The locker hall is flooded with students and we're all preparing for our first class. As I'm snooping through my locker all I can hear is girls swooning over who knows what. I turn my back only to find Coby moving past the star struck girls and blowing kisses at them. "So typical of him", I say under my breath and shut my locker. I hug my books and start walking to class. Just as I make a turn towards the auditorium, I spot Coby and Dioxy coming out of the janitors room looking all ruffled up,but then again Dioxy has a thing for janitor rooms.

I pass by them like I didn't see anything and just as I open the auditorium door, Coby pulls my arm. "Let go of me.", I demand. "Why are you doing this? I thought we had a good thing going on.", he says. "There was never a thing between us and if there was a chance of anything you clearly ruined it with your trashy ways and lies. Now leave, I'm sure your tramp is waiting for you.", I say and walk into the auditorium, leaving him with all the stares and gags from the rest of the school. Who's the joke now?

The auditorium is empty, I guess I'm early for class. I can't help but recall what just happened and tears start falling down my face. "Damn you Coby for making me have feelings for you.", I say as I take a seat on the carpet at the back of the room and hug my knees. "Hey, what's going on?" Tyler asks, I forgot that we have drama together. I don't bother looking up. "Tyler please, not now, just go.", I tell him and he doesn't even bother to impose. He just walks away. I think I hurt his feelings.

I then gather myself together and take one of the back seats. The class starts to fill up as more students enter.

Maddie takes her usual seat in the front and starts looking around for me. I then wave my hand for her to see me. She then smiles and faces the front. It's time for class.

This chapter is a bit short but more sauce will be added in the next chapters. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment!

Love yallz
& God Bless:)

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