Chapter 5

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I notice the guy talking to his friends who are now facing our direction and got all my friends cheeks turning a bright shade of red.He then walks towards our table and all my friends pretend to 'act normal'.  "Uhm, hello ladies" he says seeming a bit nervous , " Hiiiiiii" , my friends sing in their reply and I just keep quiet. "I am sorry to disturb you lot but I would like to talk to your friend." , he says and points in my direction."Me?", I asked with a bit of shock in my voice and he nods. I make it to my feet after a few wobbles and walk to where he's leading me.

"Hi , I just wanted to say sorry about this morning's incident", he says sounding genuine. I just look at him and keep quiet. 'Seriously, he called me out for this?'I ask myself internally of course and then keep a straight face."So, you're not gonna say anything?",he asks, "Honestly I had already moved on , its okay , no need to apologize.", I tell him as nice as I possibly could. "No , don't be like that, I was wrong and I have to apologize",he says and I start wondering if he really is genuine or is he trying his luck on me. "Okay , apology accepted then", I tell him with a fake smile on my face. " I'm Tyler Davison and you are?" he says clearly trying to converse with me. " Tiffany" ,I tell him ," not to be rude or anything but can I go back to my friends? Are we done here?" ,I continue. He just nods , clearly hurt by my statement and I just walk away.

"Ooooooh",my silly friends say in unison and I can suddenly feel the slightest bit of warmth on my cheeks.

The thing is that I am really not big on relationships and honestly I've never had a boyfriend, like ever. I had my first kiss when I was twelve with a friend of mine.We were playing Truth or Dare and it was just girls by the way. The three of us were bored and tried to 'experiment'. I still regret what happened.It was just silly but it's all in the past now.

The reason to me being single is because I don't want to disappoint my mom or myself. I just want to focus on school and make it to college.

Another reason why I'm single is because I made a BET with myself on the first day of junior high and promised myself that I would not have a boyfriend until senior year when, I turn 18 and that's in a years time.

"Hellooo, earth to Tiffany.", Kim says waving her hands in my face. "Huh?" I ask as if I was paying attention to what they were saying. "We were asking you what went down between you and the cute blonde dude!!", she says in somewhat of an impatient tone."what cute blonde dude?", I play dumb, trying to avoid their question. "Argh , the Spanish guy Tiff. What's wrong with you? Are you like drowning in his charm or something?" , she rants. " Of... course... not", I say between laughs, fascinated by how fast she spoke. "What's wrong then? You've been a bit offish ever since you got back." She states , " I'm okay , he just wanted to apologize for bumping into me this morning" I explain to them, without telling them the whole truth.

The thing I was really worried about was the BET.

I am trying my best to update and much as I can . Thank you so much to the few readers I've got. I hope I do get more but I'll just have to wait and see.

Please continue reading and please comment

Love yallz
& God bless :)

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