Chapter 16

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After my morning routine, Maddie pulls up and I limp all the way to the driveway. "What happened to you?", she shouts and comes running towards me. "I fell on myself", I laugh as the words leave my mouth.  "On yourself?", she asks with a huge question mark on her face. "yes, I tripped and fell on my ankle.", "ohh now that makes sense", she says and I just nod.

As we hit the road, Maddie starts questioning me about my puking incident. "Are you ready to apologize to Tyler?","Don't worry about that,  it's taken care of.", I smirk. "How? when?", she asks," yesterday at church. I didn't even know that we went to the same church.","You do?", Maddie plays dumb and I just laugh at her.

We finally make it to school and we walk up to the door. "Eyo Maddie", someone calls her from behind and she soon disappears into the direction of the call.

"Hey Tiffany, are you fine?", a Dioxy kissing Coby asks and I'm instantly annoyed. "Hi and yes I'm fine, thanks Coby", I plainly state. "Can I help you with your bag? I can be your personal servant until you get better",he imposingly says "I said I'm fine Coby, can u leave,me alone already? ", since when did he care for girls wellbeing,  all he ever does is use them. "Ouch rude much?", he asks and I soon feel guilty for the way I answered him.

"Argh Coby , I'm so sorry. I'm just not in the mood.", I tell him. "Let me cheer you up, that wat you'll make up for the way you bit my head off.", he says and I nod my head for him to continue."Let's go out for burgers today after school.", he asks. "Yeah, thats cool. See you after school, now I have somewhere to go. Can I?", I ask and start waking away. "See you later Tiffany and that boot is hot on you by the way!", he shouts and I just chuckle. I just agreed to his invitation just to get him to leave me alone,  I don't even like burgers that much,  I prefer pizza instead.

Just as I think I got off the hook, Tyler shows up, clearly hearing what Coby said. "Hey!","Hey Tyler, what's up?"I ask. "the sky",he says."You and your corny statements.", I say and roll my eyes. "I'm glad to see laughing a bit. Are you fine though?", he asks." Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you for helping me out yesterday and at the party."I say. "It's no biggie. I'll always be your night and shining armour", he says,"Seriously just give me a shout. So yeah, since when were you and Coby friends? ", he asks and I'm taken a back by his question." it's not that, we're just...", my statement is cut off by the bell. "I have go", I say and limp my way through the hallway.

All my classes were full of stares and 'are you okay's'. I hate all this attention and pity I'm getting . This boot only brought the worst for me today. I'm even going out with Coby, can this day get any worse.

'Triiiing', its finally time for something I can look forward to-Lunch! They're serving chilli and I love me some chilli.

"Hey yall!", I say as I make my stop at our lunch table. "What happened?", Kim asks and mentally sigh before explaining the story behind the boot. After that we all dish up and silence fills the table. This chilli is so good.

"Hey Tiffany, see you later", Coby says as he passes by. Argh, this guy. I didn't wanna tell my friends until later.

"What does he mean? "Trisha asks, "Coby and I are going out for burgers after school.", I simply state. "What?", they all question me with their eyes wide open and I just nod. "Ooohh,Tiff got herself a date with cute Coby", Octavia says and they all laugh. "Shut up guys, it's not like I had a choice. I was mean to him and he asked me out for a burger, so I felt guilty and said yes."I explain to them and they totally understand.


The rest of the day goes smoothly and everyone seems to have accepted my boot, finally. I then walk out the school door with Loren. "Yeah, after he said that I just laughed.", Loren finishes off her story and we both laugh. "Here comes Cute Coby.", she whispers and I immediately become serious. "Uhm Tiff, I have to go. Call you later.", she says and walks away.

"Are you ready to go? "Coby asks,"Yeah sure, let's go", I say. The sooner I get on it, the sooner I can go home. We walk together to his car and he opens the front door for me. "Thanks", I tell him and we soon get on the road. 'Madz I'm in the car with Coby,  I'll tell you everything later.'  I text Maddie. 'Be a good girl.', she texts back and I can't help but laugh at her response. 

"Am I that funny looking?", Coby asks clearly surprised by my gag."Oh no , I just received a funny text that's all."I tell him and he then rants about something relating to what I just said. The burger joint is just 7  minutes away and we soon make it there before Coby and I run out of something to talk about.

We then place our orders and after a little debate session, Coby makes me to take drink a milkshake instead of a soda. I just might enjoy this 'date' after all.

We then wait for a little while at the counter and Coby and I are laughing at a joke he just cracked up. "Your order is ready", the cashier says and we both collect our burgers. Just as we turn to face the table section, I lock eyes with someone I never expected to see here.

It's Tyler and he's with Dioxy.

I'm finally done with Chapter 16! I'm really enjoying writing this book, and I hope yall are enjoying reading it!

Thanks for the love guys!

Love yall
& God Bless:)

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