Chapter 15

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The sun rises faster then I expected. It feels like I only had two hours of sleep, when I actually had eleven. I'm a heavy sleeper.

I then take  quick shower and decide to wear one of the outfits Maddie and bought on our shopping spree.

I am wearing a green knee length dress with happy socks, a denim jacket and platforms. I decide to let my hair down and not apply any make up. I look a bit plain but it's quite ravishing on me. Green really brings out my eyes, so I don't need mascara.

Breakfast was rather quick and we're on the road before I could even register my location. My mind is still a bit overwhelmed about my little 'accident'.

We finally make it to the church parking lot and after my mom and I deciding on what time to meet up , we all part ways and she takes the twins to Sunday school.

I then take a seat on one of the chairs at the back and not on my usual position, and attempt to focus and write down a few notes during the service.

The service was great and my mind seems to be a bit more relaxed. After saying Grace, I quickly exit the church hall. As I walk down the stairs , one of my shoe laces becomes untied and I decide to go down a few more stairs before I tie it up. Just as I think I've reached the bottom step, I trip and fall on my ankle.

"Are you okay? ", a familiar voice says from behind. I look back and it's Tyler. 

"You have a tendency of sneaking up on me, don't you? ", I say as I try my best to hop up to the parking lot. "No , I'm just at the right place at the right time, I guess. ", he says and his hazel eyes sparkle. "Corny much? ", I smirk and he just chuckles. "Need any help?", he asks and I just sigh at my helplessness. "I'll take that as a yes", he says and carries me in his arm, bridal style- again. I simply can't get my small body out of his strong grasp and simply give in. "I wouldn't do that if I you.  Last time I got carried like this, the guy had a taste of my digested material.", "well, the guy might just want a taste of that again.", he says and I just laugh, not noticing that I'm now leaning on his shoulder. "I think you're just comfortable in his arms", he says and I immediately snap my head off his shoulder. "Look Tyler, I'm really sorry about what happened at the party, okay? ", "It's okay, Tiff. You were intoxicated and it was an accident." he explains and I just smile at him.

"Do you even know where you're taking me?", I ask after a moment of awkward silence."uhm, no", he says and we both start laughing. I then direct him to my moms car and everyone is giving us weird looks.

We finally make it to the car and my mom is waiting. "Uhm , Tyler this is my mom and Mom this is Tyler Davison from my school.", my moms awkwardly shakes his hand,  making me shake in his arms." Uhm you can put me down now", I says as I look straight into his eyes. "Oh yeah,  let me get you into the car,  we don't want you hurting your ankle now do we?","no we do not", I say as I position myself in the front seat, "thanks", I tell him and my mom is a bit puzzled as to why I was carried to the car and Tyler quickly explains to her before saying goodbye.

My mom totally freaks out and insists that we go to the hospital. 'Thanks Tyler.', I inwardly state and just sigh.

We pull up onto the hospital parking lot and a porter collects me with a wheelchair and takes me go the x-ray room. After about three hours,  the doctor concludes that my ankle is just sprained and I need to use a hospital boot for the next few weeks or so, just until the swelling goes down and my ankle fully recovers.  She then gives me pain killers and calcium supplements. I'm free to go home now.

The drive back home makes me sleepy and I quickly doze off. After a few minutes, we pull up onto the drive way and I stumble a bit before getting a hang of the huge boot on my left leg.

It's gonna be a long 'few weeks or so', my mind says as I move up the stairs.

Yayy I'm finally done with chapter 15. I hope you all enjoy reading it. Thanks for the love peeps.

Love yall
& God bless:)

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