Ssundee- Chapter 6: Seto And SkyArmy...

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I opened my eyes and stared about me groggily. That's when I began to panic. Someone had taken my sunglasses. I bolted upright and cast my gaze around me furiously, trying to find them. It landed on the guy in the cloak who was standing next to me, reading a book about enchantments. On the table next to him was my sunglasses. I reached out and took them, jamming them back in my nose before Derp Ssundee saw his opportunity to take over. I sighed in relief. The guy looked up and said calmly, "I've been reading up about your glasses, and I have to say you're really one of a kind...Ssundee." "How do you know my name?!" "I'm a sorcerer, I know a lot of things. Get used to it." I narrowed my eyes at him behind my sunglasses. "Yeah. How much do you know?" He smiled. "My name is SetoSorcerer. But you can call me Seto. There's something about you I can't quite put my finger on. All I know is that you're very different. Unique even." I was taken aback. "Okaaaaaay." He chuckled. "Any more questions?" I nodded and before I could stop them they burst out of my mouth in a continuous stream.

"Where am I? Who's the guy with the medallion? Why do you all hold gold swords? Where's MY sword? How come you're a sorcerer? Why do you have hybrids? Are you in a gang? What are their names? Who are-" "Shhh! Enough! Give me time to answer! You are in SkyBase, where we hold our meetings. The guy with the medallion is Sky, also known as SkyDoesMinecraft. We all hold golden swords because it's our trademark. Your sword has been confiscated for the time being. I'm a sorcerer because I am. We have hybrids because they're our friends. We are kinda like a gang, but not quite. My friends' names are Ty, Jerome, or Fluffy, as we call him, Mudkip, or Quentin, Kermit, Mitch, Jason, or MinecraftUniverse, and our leader is CaptainSparklez. Or Jordan. But most of us call him Captain, for short." I nodded. "Ok, cool." Then, the door to my room was thrown open and Sky skidded in. "SETO! The squids are attacking! There are more than ever before! DA FLUFFEH is down and their getting closer to SkyBase! Help!" Then he saw me and added, "And bring him along too, if he's well enough. He's got good moves, taking ME down." "My name is Ssundee." "Ok Ssundee, this way!" We all ran out of the room, into battle.

As we ran I said to Seto, "I'm kinda gonna need my sword back!" He face-palmed. "Ugh, DUH! Ok, I'm gonna go get it, stick with Sky, I'll be back in a sec!" I increased my pace to match Sky's and we ran alongside eachother. "Ok Ssundee, you stay with me and we'll take the left flank." "Wait, FLANK?" "Yup." "Just how many 'squids' are we fighting?" He didn't reply for a minute, then gulped and said, "A lot." I grimaced. We arrived at the entrance to SkyBase. Sky turned to me. "Ok, time to show me what you can REALLY do." I nodded. Then Sky froze. "CRAP! GET DOWN!" He hurled us to the ground as the doors exploded inwards, obliterating the spot where we had been less than 5 seconds ago. Sky got up and threw himself into the fray, hacking squids' limbs off and stabbing them in the heads. I crawled away, taking refuge by a pillar. A squid untangled itself from the group and came towards me. I backed away till my back hit the pillar. I braced myself as it raised its sword...and suddenly MY sword flew into my hand. I stared at it, till I heard Seto's voice. "Your welcome!" I grinned back before plunging it into the squids head. It's eyes rolled back tend it slumped to the ground. "Thanks Seto!" I yelled back. I leapt over the corpse of a mutant squid, then spun round and kicked another in the back, it turned around and I drove my sword up into its mouth from underneath. It shrieked and collapsed, before I even had time to recover another was on me. I punched it off and while it was dazed jabbed my sword into its eye. It reeled back and exposed its blind side. I quickly finished it off with my sword and curved the blade round to hit one from behind. "Nicely done Ssundee!" I heard someone say. I turned round just in time to see Kermit grin at me, before leaping into the fight once more. I smiled back before jumping into the battle once more.

It seemed like hours passed of kicking and punching, jabbing and slicing before the lucky survivors of the squids' side retreated. Battered and exhausted I wrenched my sword out of my last victim and gave a whoop of triumph. The others joined in. Then I heard someone cry out. I whipped round just in time to see Sky being pinned down by a giant squid. My eyes widened and before I got round to the vital statistics I found my legs carrying me towards him. I gave a shout to distract the squid as it lowered its sword toward Sky's throat. It looked round just as I threw myself it, throwing it off balance. It snarled at me and slapped me with its tentacle. I cried out as the side of my face throbbed; I drove my blade through the top of its ugly head and it squealed in pain. Sky cried out as the blade inched closer to his neck. I slid down its head and threw myself at the tentacle wielding the blade. I lopped it off and the squid reared back. "GUYS! Take him down!" The others unfroze from their dumbfounded stances and drew their weapons. I heaved the severed limbs off of Sky and he look up at me in shock and gratitude. "T-t-thanks Ssundee." "Don't mention it." My voice sounded gruff and hoarse.

I helped Sky to his feet. He put his hands on my shoulders so I faced him. "Ssundee, you have shown me the true extent of your skills. Your courage and bravery are beyond what I had expected from you." I nodded, a lump formed in my throat. I hadn't had a compliment like that in months. "And I know this is a bit sudden...but..." I raised an eyebrow. "But what?" He grinned suddenly. "Would you like to join SkyArmy?!" I gasped. "YES!" "Awesome!" I grinned as all the other members crowded round me, congratulating me. And for the first time in months, I felt truly happy again...

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