Ssundee- Chapter 22: Possession

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Chapter 22

I opened my eyes slowly, squinting up at the dark skies above. I sat up. I was surrounded by dust and some huge battle had happened here. I looked down. Derp was no longer beside me. My heart beat sped up as the sounds of battle cries and screams echoed around me. Slowly I got to my feet, taking cautious steps forward. Dust particles rose with every movement. Suddenly, I glimpsed ghostly movement up ahead. I ran forward. And froze. There I saw myself, fighting Herobrine. As the other me fought, he seemed to morph between Derp and me. One minute his face would be one of intense concentration as he ducked and weaved around Herobrine's strikes, then an instant later it would be a contorted snarl, mad crooked eyes glaring out of a desperate and lost expression. I jumped as a voice echoed around sounded like mine?! "Tread carefully Ssundee...or this is what will become of you..." My heart clenched as the other me blocked the wrong strike and Herobrine's diamond sword slid between his ribs, puncturing his heart. "There is only one who can defeat Herobrine...if we lose you...there's no point in fighting anymore..." My eyes widened as the face morphed once more. I found myself staring into the dead, glassy eyes of Derp Ssundee..."NO!" The scene ripped and shifted around me until my eyes snapped open and I found myself back in the real world.
My gaze was instantly averted to Derp, who slept on peacefully beside me. I shut my eyes and tried to block out the image of Derp's death. "If I let him die...I'm no better than countless other transmoganarians before me..." I felt something brush against my shoulder and looked into the crooked eyes I loved. Always full of concern and worry for me. " ok?" I nodded slowly, then felt a tear trickle down my cheek when I thought of the dream again. I quickly hid my face by looking round the clearing. "Uhh, Diamond and Lancey have been gone a while...just for some meat." Derp frowned. "Something's not right." I stood up. "No, don't get up! I was comfy!" I shook my head and rolled my eyes, smiling playfully. Derp was so weird sometimes. Then I stiffened as I heard voices at the edge of the clearing. I walked over, following Derp who had stood up too and taken the lead. Suddenly he froze, a low, harsh growl rumbling through his throat. "What is it?" I hissed. "Ask THEM." I walked over to a mossy log and looked over it. On the other side was Lancey and Diamond. They...they..."Hello there." I was surprised by the snarl in my voice as I surveyed the two lovers. They stared up at me, wide-eyed. "Oh my god. Ssundee...your eyes-" Suddenly my head began to pound and I wheeled backwards away from the log, clutching my head in pain. Instantly Derp was at my side. "What is it?" "I-I don't know-" But I knew exactly what. Herobrine had possessed me...
-Derp- (I'm gonna switch to Derp here cus I think he needs a bit in this story, and he's still technically Ssundee. Plus, Herobrine won't let me write from Ssundee's point of view till he's finished possessing him, poor Ssundee.)
I felt terror and confusion cloud my emotions as my beloved Ssundee's eyes faded away to a bright, eerie glow. Now Herobrine was in control. His head turned slowly, surveying the scene before him. "Hmm, where is the rest of SkyArmy?" It was horrible having to hear Ssundee's voice manipulated by this freak. "Leave him alone!" Herobrine gazed at me, scowling slightly. "Well...looks like the beast has finally made an entry into the world." I snarled. Herobrine smiled, a cruel, humourless one. "I thought killing you would be harder-" Then he was cut off suddenly, his eyes bulged. I panicked. Was he trying to kill Ssundee?! seemed Ssundee was trying to kill him! "Why is he fighting back?!" I grinned suddenly. "He's a LOT stronger than he looks, I should know. I was stuck in his head for years." "What-" Then he was driven to his knees. My heart clenched as I heard Ssundee screaming. I shut my eyes, fighting back the tears. "I'm coming to help you Ssundee..." Then my knees buckled and I felt my consciousness jerk into something else. When I opened my eyes I saw Ssundee fighting off Herobrine. We were in a huge expanse of blank white space. In Ssundee's head. (Lol, I just technically said Ssundee had no brain.) "Ssundee!" His head whipped round. "Derp!" I ran at Herobrine, my heart pounding louder with every stride. Suddenly, I felt something change. My vision started to go red. "SSUNDEE! RUN!" He understood; eyes wide with fear he took cover. "Here we go again." I muttered. "Just please don't hurt Ssundee...just don't hurt Ssundee..." (Wow, major flash back to Chapter 7 then!) Then I heard a hideous roar erupt from within me as I crashed into Herobrine.
-Ssundee- (That was fun! I might keep swapping POVs between these two in future, so keep a look out! 😉)
I hit the ground as Derp crashed into Herobrine. I prayed that Derp wouldn't get hurt. Wait...why should I stay here and let him have all the fun? I smiled to myself and drew my iron sword slowly, before charging Herobrine. I ducked and weaved under slashes and hits from Herobrine's sword as he fought us off in anguish. Then I saw a fist swing my way. I intercepted it and twisted it round. It hit Herobrine in the face. "Bet you didn't see that coming-" then I felt something slam into me and I gasped for air, winded. A blinding pain in my head blurred my vision. I stared up in terror at the figure above me. "Derp! Stop!" Then a blur of blue and skin crashed into him as my vision slowly returned. I sat up, staring in disbelief at the two still fighting. Derp's eyes had lost the red glow as he cowered in fear before Herobrine. I gritted my teeth in pain and picked up my sword, hefted it up onto my shoulder, and threw it. It spiralled through the air and lodged itself in Herobrine's back. "ARGHH!" He turned and wrenched it out. That gave Derp enough time to hit him round the head. Herobrine hit the ground and stayed there. Derp began to cry. I went to him. I knew why he was upset. He'd nearly killed me. Again. "'s ok, I'm alive." "I k-know, b-but for h-how much l-longer if I s-still can't c-control myself..." I didn't know the answer to that, and I had a feeling I never would...
(A/N: Hey doods! You like? Cool. Anyway, I wanted to ask you guys if you want me to carry on with the POV changes between Derp and Ssundee, or just stick with Ssundee's point of view? I know it gets confusing sometimes with POV changes and you guys ARE the ones reading this after all, so I just wanna know. Post yes or no in the comments and I'll carry on from that! Thanks for reading! Stay awesome ma doods! 😎 Squeaks! 😀)

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