Ssundee- Chapter 33: Battle Of The Dragons

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(A/N: really sorry if there is any typing issues and stuff with the chapter, wattpad is driving me insane at the moment as it's not saving half the stuff I do even when I HAVE wifi. Hope you can enjoy anyway dudes.)


Beneath us the ground was getting closer, the trees growing larger and their features more prominent. The dragon's feet slammed into the earth and my thoughts jolted. Ssundee grinned at me. "We're here." I smiled back as Seto slid off of the dragon's scaly back, hands already aglow with magic. The dragon lay down and Ssundee and I jumped off onto the ground. The jungle trees loomed up before us, the very tops of their immense canopies too high above us to be seen. I looked round at Seto and saw his eyes glow bright purple. Ssundee and I exchanged glances as Seto stood there, frozen. Then the purple glow from his eyes faded and he smiled slightly. "I just sent out a tracking spell. The others are at SkyBase. They went there when you two went missing because they assumed that would be the first place you'd go." I blinked. "So, we go through this-" I jerked a thumb at the jungle behind me, "which leads to SkyBase?" Seto nodded. Ssundee opened his mouth to say something when I heard a wild screech echo through the biome. It was quickly followed by a guttural snarl and an immense roar that rattled my bones. Seto's eyes widened and his dragon's lips curled back off of its teeth, showing huge, long pointed canines. Ssundee pushed his sunglasses further up his nose and took a deep breath. "I think...they're being attacked." Despite the now somewhat dire circumstances we were now in, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Really? You think?" Then my world shattered in a rolling ball of flame.


My jaw dropped as a huge dragon, easily twice the size of Seto's, launched a ball of flame down from the sky that hit Derp full on. I tried to yell his name, but my vocal cords had ceased to work. Everything started happening extremely fast. Seto ran to his dragon as the one attacking us swooped down lazily from the sky above, heading straight for them. I ran to Derp. He was lying on the ground, looking confused and slightly dazed, his clothes and skin singed and blackened. His crooked eyes looked up at me and he narrowed them slightly, the scar on his face limiting his brow movement somewhat. "Ok then, I'm not dead." I sighed in relief. "No, not ye-" Someone slammed into me and I heard Derp snarl as he was attacked too. I saw SkyArmy suddenly burst from cover in the jungle trees and draw their weapons simultaneously. I looked up and my jaw dropped. "D-Diamond?!" She casually flicked her blonde hair over one shoulder and retorted: "Actually, the name's Dynansy." Anger gripped me like an iron fist and I kicked her viciously in the ribs. She hissed in pain through gritted teeth and lashed out, her long nails gouging into my skin. I growled and rolled over, putting her underneath me. I tried to draw my sword but the scabbard was stuck under my leg. In the time I was momentarily distracted, Diamond, or Dynansy as it seemed she was called, drew her own sword and was about to plunge it into my chest. My eyes widened. Then I saw her pupils dilate in shock as a shadow fell over us. "Ssundee. Move." I gasped. "Lancey?!" He pushed me off of her roughly and I expected him to attack me next. Instead, he grabbed Diamond and pulled her to her feet before wrestling her sword off of her and holding it to her throat. In the background I could see more dragons swooping down from the sky, squid hybrid's mounted on their backs, attacking my friends. I gathered that Lancey knew the truth by now and finally managed to draw my own sword before running to the first person I saw fighting. Deadlox whipped his head round, brown eyes alight with the rabid fire of battle. "Ssundee?!" I grinned and moved in to intercept the squid that was about to impale him. "So glad we could make it. When did this start?!" Deadlox moved to the side and stabbed a squid coming up from behind me. "They sent a few squid decoys to SkyBase to distract us while they attacked you guys. Sky quickly figured it out though and brought us here. In the nick of time too it seems!"

I ducked as a squid swung his blade over our heads and Ty's sword thudded between his eyes. The squid fell down dead and I frowned, trying to find Derp in amongst the writhing mass of bodies that made up the battle. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of his crooked eyes as he fought side-by-side with Seto and Sky. I clenched my sword and dove into the mass of bodies. I hacked and slashed my way through the squid's ranks, white dust rising all around me and dissipating into the air I was breathing. The battle became a part of me, I lived and breathed the fight, the sword like a part of my soul. Not just a cold metal blade. A dragon reared up in front of me, fire shooting ten feet into the air from its ringed nostrils. I sidestepped as it swiped an immense clawed paw at me, moving in and stabbing a sword up into its eye. It reeled back, blood trickling down its face as it roared in agony. My stomach turned as I remembered seeing Derp with his face slashed open, blood pouring down from it. The memory filled me with hate and I went for the injured beast, slashing my bloody sword across its chest. It's still beating heart pumped the life and blood out of it and the beast went limp. I heard someone call my name and whipped round. Derp stood in a clearing of the battle, the dust from the deceased squids rushing up around him like fog. Blood splattered his clothes and dripped from his sword. The wild light of battle made insanity glisten in his crooked eyes. The thick knotted scar that traced its way down his face was beginning to fade. He'd never more beautiful to me. He grinned fiendishly. "C'mon! Seto needs our help taking a big dragon down!" As the words left his mouth I saw a giant tentacle reach for him and ran towards him, pushing him out the way as it slammed down on the ground, mere inches away from where he'd been standing. Talons slid out of it as the mutant squid pushed itself upwards, mouth gaping open, revealing yellowed teeth and blackened saliva. Derp stared at me in shock as it reared up behind me. I twisted round and reached inside its mouth, gagging on the stench of its breath as I did so. I grabbed its tongue and began to pull. The squid's eyes widened as it tried to pull away, only stretching its tongue further. A sickening squelching noise came from its mouth and I grabbed its tongue with both hands, pulling harder. The squid screeched in agony as it ripped free of its mouth. I instantly threw the still wriggling tongue on the ground and wiped my hands on my clothes. Derp's eyes widened as the squid stumbled away, blood pouring from its mouth. "That-" He said, "was amazing." I grinned. "Now where's that dragon you were talking about?"

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