Ssundee- Chapter 30: Lost & Found

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The further away from the rest of SkyArmy we got, the more uneasy I became. Ssundee on the other hand had been grinning since the sun came up. I guess he'd forgotten the freedom of being alone. I sighed. Having been stuck in his head for many years, I often took stuff like this for granted. Being alone had been my life up until a few months ago when Seto brought me out of Ssundee. This reminded me of why we were here in the first place; to find Seto. This morning I'd located a scorched tree and on closer inspection, it had had sigils burned into it. Ssundee said that this meant we were on the right track. I privately wondered if we would ever find the sorcerer. It had been weeks, if not months since we'd last seen him. Eventually, night fell and we built a shelter in a taiga biome. Up above us, the fir trees waved gently in the breeze, the cold wind blowing snowflakes around and up into my face. I sat down near the fire we'd managed to get going and hugged my knees to my chest, trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. Ssundee sat down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. I sighed and closed my eyes. "How are we going to find a sorcerer in this biome Ssundee?" He was silent, then: "Maybe look for tracks?" I snorted. "That was weeks ago, they would've been covered long ago." He made a frustrated noise. "I don't know! We just need to find him." I raised my eyebrow. "Easier said than done." It was silent again, save the crackling of the fire and the creaking of the trees withstanding the gales blowing around us. Then I felt something cold hit my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked down at the clump of snow that was sliding down my sleeve. "Huh?" Then another lump of ice hit my head. I shook the snow out of my hair and looked round. Ssundee was picking up another handful and trying not to laugh as I stared at him, incredulous. "What was that for?" He laughed. "You've never had a snowball fight before?" I blinked. "Umm, no?" He laughed again and threw the 'snowball' at me. I ducked and stood up, scooping snow into a ball and picking it up.

I aimed carefully as Ssundee bent down to gather up another ball and threw it. It hit him on the side of the head and he fell over. His sunglasses fell off and he blinked, staring at me. "Woah." I laughed. "I think you dropped something." He looked down and smiled. "Oh." He picked up the sunglasses as I was making another snowball and put them on. He stood up and stared at the snowball in my hand. "Um, can we talk about this?" I grinned. "Nope." He ducked as the snowball sailed over his head and as he hit the ground was already making another to retaliate with. I backed up and dived over the back of a log. I hunkered down behind it and tried to quiet my breathing. Suddenly, hands seized me from behind. My eyes widened as they clamped round my mouth and pulled me into the dark forest. "Keep quiet." My heart jolted. I tried to say his name but I couldn't speak. I grabbed his hand and forced it away from my mouth. "Seto?" A purple haze lit up the area around us and I craned my neck to check his face. His brown eyes were narrowed and his hands were smouldering with purple magic. As we stared at each other his his eyes widened. "D-Derp?! What are you doing here?" I wanted to laugh. After all the effort we'd gone through, he'd been here all along, living in one of the most isolated biomes for miles around. "Sightseeing." I replied sarcastically. I heard Ssundee calling my name in panic and scrambled to my feet. "Ssundee! I'm here!" He stepped over the log I'd been hiding behind and stared at Seto. "No. Freakin. Way." Seto blinked. "You guys were looking for me?" Ssundee nodded vigorously. "Everyone was!" Seto's jaw dropped. "Say what?" I facepalmed. "Do I have to spell it out for you? We. Were. Looking. For. You." Ssundee repressed a smirk and walked over to Seto. I stood beside him. "How did you find me?" Ssundee bit his lip. "Well, we found a sigil engraved tree a few biomes back and figured we were on the right track." I nodded and Seto looked depleted. "B-but-" I raised my eyebrow. "You are glad to see us...aren't you?" Seto sighed. "I-I'm not sure. Do the others, you know...need me too?" Ssundee smiled. "I don't care what the others think. We need you Seto. Please come back to SkyArmy with us?" I sighed. "Plus, there's no way we can defeat the squids without a sorcerer." I saw Seto's brown eyes flicking back and forth between us and his eyebrows raised. "Um, you" I snorted and Ssundee grinned. "Maybe." Seto swayed on his feet and I stepped forward, grabbing him as his legs buckled and he fell unconscious. Ssundee laughed. "I guess it was all too much for him." I smirked. "Guess so."


I was so glad we'd found Seto. Now, we could finally defeat Herobrine! I could see Derp was happy too, even though he'd automatically covered it up. He'd had to conceal his emotions for many years, and I could see sometimes how hard it was for him not to. He picked up Seto and we went back to the campfire. The moon was starting down the horizon; morning wasn't far away. We placed him down by the fire and watched over him till the sun was beginning to rise. Well, I did. Derp had quickly fallen asleep on my shoulder, but I had managed to stay awake. Seto sat up as the first rays of sunshine brushed across his face and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "What happened?" I smiled as he stared at me. "Oh yeah. That happened." I laughed and it woke Derp up. He stared at us, his crooked eyes bleary with sleep. "W-what's going on?" Seto smiled at us. "I guess we need to find the others now, huh?" Derp grinned. "So you are coming back with us?" Seto nodded. "I think so. I'm still not sure if I'll stay though." My face fell but I tried not to show it. I knew Seto had had a hard time in SkyArmy even before the war got worse and I turned up. I didn't blame him for not going back. Derp yawned and stretched. Seto got to his feet and I tried to keep my eyes open. Derp saw how tired I was and smiled. "You sure you want to walk?" Seto smirked. "Who says we're walking?" He gave a shrill whistle and we heard a distant sound of flapping wings. Derp and I exchanged glances as Seto stood there. Suddenly, a tremendous roar filled the clearing. Derp's crooked eyes instantly narrowed and his lip curled back in a snarl. I knew why. It had been the roar of a dragon. We'd had bad experiences with them in the past. Seto didn't seem bothered though. Then a dark shape loomed over us, blotting out the sun. It tilted its horned head to one side and it's eyes glistened with a purple sheen. It's scales were jet black and it's tail whipped around restlessly. It was an Enderdragon. I grinned. Seto's Enderdragon. I looked at Derp out of the corner of my eye. He'd relaxed his facial features, but his eyes were narrowed still; untrustworthy of the dragon. I realised he'd never met Seto's dragon before. Seto strolled over to the dragon and raised his eyebrow. "You guys coming or what?" I grinned. "Sure!" I ran up to the dragon and Derp followed me, slower, more cautiously. Seto saw his blatant hesitation and smiled reassuringly.

"It's ok, he's tame." Derp nodded and came forward to stand beside me. Seto used the scales to climb up onto the dragon's back like a living climbing wall and I followed. When I was seated behind Seto I looked down at Derp on the ground. He was backing away. I tilted my head in confusion. Suddenly, he broke into a sprint. At the last minute he jumped up and clung to the dragon's side when he hit it. The dragon shifted slightly, but didn't seem bothered. Derp climbed up the last few scales and sat behind me. I stared at him. "You know, you could've just climbed up." He smiled. "Where's the fun in that?" I rolled my eyes and Seto laughed. The dragon expanded its wings and lifted its head, giving a deafening roar. Then it leapt up into the sky. I looked down at the forest below us shrinking rapidly. My eyes widened as I took in the full majesty of Minecraftia. In every direction land and sea stretched away into the horizon, a never ending spectacle of beauty and nature. The dragon shrieked and spun into a dive. Derp clung to me from behind and I whooped in sheer delight as the air rushed past us, the wind roaring incessantly in my ears. Seto's cloak billowed out behind him as the dragon pulled up at the last second, shooting upwards like a coiled spring being suddenly released. I heard Derp yell in fear as we flew ever upwards. I looked down and my heart dropped into my stomach. We had risen above the clouds and I could see hundreds of biomes sprawled out beneath us. I could see a tiny village in the distance and even tinier villagers zooming around it. I found it hard to believe that they would spend all of their waking lives in that speck of a village, oblivious to the incredible world around them. Derp's grip tightened even more as the dragon arced round backwards and the sky tilted upside down. Then we were through it and the dragon flapped its wings furiously to keep up speed as we sped through the sky. I looked down and saw we were passing over an immense jungle biome. The dragon swooped down and we glided inches away from the topmost canopies. Then we reached the end of it and were passing over an enormous expanse of clear, sapphire coloured ocean. Seto said something I didn't quite catch and the dragon changed course, heading east or something. Derp's grip relaxed as time went on, until I was sure he was only holding me because he wanted to, not that I minded. Eventually, I looked down and was able to recognise some things. In the distance I could see a green smudge that I was sure was the jungle Lancey used to live in. I heard a low growl rumble in my throat. Where he lived before he stole Diamond from me. I turned my head slightly and saw Derp staring down below us, his crooked eyes filled with awe and amazement. I didn't need Diamond anymore, and she didn't need me. I had Derp. And that's all that mattered.

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