Ssundee- Chapter 36: The Final Battle

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The sun filtered through the trees above me. I'd spent the night planning where I was going to go when I left SkyArmy today. My stomach twisted at the thought of facing SquidBrine once more and I was still trying not to think of yesterday's events. I felt hollow inside, like a machine. Derp had been everything to me, and it felt like I had lost my soul when he died. But today I was going to avenge him. I walked back to SkyBase and saw the rest of SkyArmy assembled outside. Sky stood beside CaptainSparklez. Mitch and Jerome stood together, Husky and Kermit beside one another and Deadlox and Seto turned when they heard me behind them. I was thankful for my sunglasses that they couldn't see behind them what a wreck I was. Seto smiled briefly when he saw me, Deadlox dipping his head to me. I turned and looked at Sparklez. His blue eyes seemed sad. I guessed Sky had told him that we'd lost Derp yesterday. I stood beside Seto as Sparklez continued his speech. "You are all brave men, and I am honoured to be able to have fought side by side with you all these years. So if you will follow me into battle one last time, so we can finally vanquish the evil that has presided over us all these years." He stepped down and Sky stepped forward, jaw set in determination. "SkyArmy." We all stood up a bit straighter. He smiled crookedly round at us. "Let's go kick SquidBrine's ass."

{Remember this? ;) You might notice a few changes...}

The square sun rose above the blocky jungle biome. The only thing separating us from our imminent doom. Beyond...I don't know what lay beyond. Our last day in Minecraftia found us jogging across a wide open plain, complete with sheep and grass; waving gently in the breeze. The grass...not the sheep. I was at the back of the procession, behind Sky. The atmosphere was tense. We all knew we were on the brink of an epic battle against the squids. Only one side could live. The other...well, we didn't want to be the other. Suddenly, we stopped. Sparklez was at the front, he must of seen something. Whispers travelled through the group. I didn't catch what it was, but Sky did. It must of been bad because he fiddled with his amulet nervously, something he only does when he needs reassurance. I pushed my sunglasses further up my nose, hoping they wouldn't fall off at the wrong time. That was the last thing I needed right now. Then I heard the clatter of a rope ladder unfurling and the group moved forward. My heart pounded in my chest. My stomach was sick and knotted with nerves. I gulped. A lump had formed in my throat, I was hyperventilating. This was it. Either we lived or died. Everything in my life had led up to this. If I messed up...there was no coming back from it this time. I crouched down, taking a moment. Then Sky disappeared over the rope ladder and I dared to look ahead. I froze. Beyond the jungle there was a huge army of blue and red. Squids. And something worse. I squinted as far ahead as I could and thought I had glimpsed him through the steam of the jungle. I clutched my iron sword. Mind you, I'd be lucky to even get through the first few minutes alive...

I shook my head out of its daze, careful not to dislodge the sunglasses that meant so much to me, then swung my legs over the ladder and began to climb down, rung by rung. Suddenly, a diamond sword embedded itself a few chunks away from me. Then another. I realised the army had got me in their scopes and were already trying to kill me. Then another sword swung by and snagged the ladder. I watched in horror as one by one the rings dislodged until they fell out from below me. I plummeted to the ground. In desperation I swung my sword into the dirt face. It buried itself in the moist soil and my arms jarred as I came to a halt. "Way to go." I muttered. Then I leapt to the ground only a few chunks away and pulled out my sword.

I made my way through the jungle, trying to catch up with the others. "Hey guys? Where are you?" I steeled myself and ran ahead till I caught up with the rest of SkyArmy. They were listening to another quick speech by Captain Sparklez. "It is an honour to lead you brave men into battle, and it is my responsibility to see you through into a better future. So, are we going to let the squids take that away from us?! Are we going to let them kill our future wives and children?! I say no! I say we strike now for the good of all! Now, who's with me?!" We all yelled back in defiance and my nerves lessened. Then we heard the army roar back and the sound was like a thousand cannons going off simultaneously with the explosion of nine-hundred creepers. We fell silent. Then, we charged. My legs felt like lead, but my heart captured the exhilaration of going to battle forevermore. I stabbed a squid and kicked another in the face, before finishing him off with a savage twist of his windpipe. Then I took another's tentacles off and punched him in the face. Sky was beating down one in diamond armour and I saw Mitch snipe one off with his bow. Slowly but surely we were driving them back! Captain was right at the front, his sword an arc of pure destruction, disintegrating ten squids with one sweep. My stomach leapt as a squid wolf took me down, but I ran my sword through it and staggered to my feet; monster dust settling on my suit. Then it happened. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I saw the crowds part and a giant squid stomped forward. He was clad in budder armour and held an enchanted diamond sword. My eyes widened as Captain turned and snarled at him. They rushed at each other as they other members of SkyArmy were driven to the ground, crying out to Captain to was up to me. I was the only one who wasn't on the ground. I took off my sunglasses, praying that my plan would work... "Derp, I need you now...please." I whispered. Suddenly, a breeze seemed to pick up and I felt something jerk inside of me. My mind exploded into colour and I cried out in pain as my vision blurred. It cleared and I felt strength rush through me, warming my insides.

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