Ssundee- Chapter 25: Monstrosity

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~Derp~ I lay on the bed, eyes tight shut. "Sleep. Sleep." I sighed in exasperation. "The one time I can't sleep!" I sat up, turning my head to look at Ssundee, who slept on beside me. I smiled. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Normally his features were tight with irritation, or anger, or slack with fear and desperation. Now though, he slept with a small smile on his face. I chuckled quietly as he snuffled in his sleep and cuddled up to my arm. I tried to gently pull it away but it was stuck. I shook my head slightly and lay back down again, facing Ssundee. His quiet breaths tickled my face as he exhaled and made my nose itch slightly. "Please don't make me sneeze." I muttered to myself. I didn't want to wake Ssundee up. I could hear muffled snores coming from the other rooms. There was a glass of water on the bedside table. I stared at it, lost in the reflections and curves of moonlight that rebounded and filtered through it. Despite my intentions of staying awake to watch over Ssundee, the sounds of his gentle breathing and the peaceful night sounds from outside eventually lulled me to sleep.


I was awoken by a noise that wasn't peaceful. Anything but peaceful. I sat up, looking at the water. (Here comes the Jurassic Park reference!) In the distance I could hear vibrations rumbling through the giant footsteps. The water rippled and shook with every thump; it got worse and worse till the water slopped over the rim of the glass. My heart pounded in my chest as I sat there, petrified, as the noises got louder and louder. The room started to shake. I twisted round and shook Ssundee awake. "What?" He mumbled, still half asleep. "Listen." I hissed. The vibrations had stopped. Ssundee frowned, his blue eyes clouded with confusion. "What is it Derp?" I sat there, frozen as I waited. Ssundee sat up too, his head tilted to one side. Then we both jumped in shock as a howling shriek cut through the night. I could hear our friends in the other rooms cry out and Sky's voice telling us to run. I turned to Ssundee. "What was that?" He was breathing fast; I could hear his heart thumping in terror. "I-I don't know-" I was cut off by another piercing shriek and the windows shattered. I shot off the bed and was over by the door before Ssundee could move. "C'mon!" He swung his legs over the bed and I grabbed our discarded weapons. I threw his iron sword to him; he caught it deftly by the hilt. "Let's go." I opened the door into the corridor and saw Jerome run past, hefting Betty up onto his back. He stopped and gestured for someone to follow him. Mitch appeared, running wildly. Jerome ran on as he skidded to a stop at our door. "Guys you've gotta run! It just smashed our room in!" "What?!" Ssundee replied. Mitch paused, gasping for breath. "It's a giant squid!" "We've handled them before-" Mitch cut me off mid-sentence, a wild look in his brown eyes. "This is unlike anything we've ever seen! The only chance we have is to run and pray it doesn't find us..." Then he ran on. I turned to Ssundee. He nodded. I smiled, gripping my sword hilt. Then we ran out into the corridor just as the roof collapsed inwards on us.

~Ssundee~ I heard the roof collapse behind us and stumbled; dust billowing up in clouds around us as Derp's running form clouded over into a dim sillohuette. "Derp!" I heard something crunch and I tripped; something pinning my legs to the ground. "Help! ANYBODY?!" It was silent; the sound of fading footsteps growing fainter and fainter till it disappeared completely...I waited, my head pounding as I struggled to get free. I froze as I heard a rumbling growl. Then a huge, and I mean huge, tentacle crashed down next to me, the ground cracking beneath its weight. Talons slashed out of the skin and nicked my flesh. I cried out and withdrew my arm. It was silent once more. Then the tentacle slowly lifted upwards and grasped the metal girder pinning me down. It dragged it off and I rolled over so I was staring up at it on my back. I gasped. A monstrous squid toward above me. It's tentacles were thicker than a jungle tree-trunk and those talons looked like they could gut a T-Rex without any problems. It's immense, mottled body loomed over me. The top half of it was half shrouded in mist; what I could see of it wasn't winning any beauty contests. A gaping hole with huge, serrated, jagged canines stuck out at odd angles was obviously its mouth. I watched as rivers of saliva travel down its body till they dripped off onto the ground, creating lakes below it. I back-pedalled furiously away from the monstrosity as it heaved itself forward; it's tentacles slamming down into the earth below them, causing craters to appear. Suddenly it plunged downwards.

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