Ssundee- Chapter 14: Diamonds And Time-Traps...

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There were colours. Everywhere. Blinding me. Through the haze, I saw a figure walking towards me. It was me...but...not me. It was Ssundee, not Derp Ssundee. He smiled. Then he took off his sunglasses. "Here...these belong to you." I put them on...

I awoke in a flash, chained up against a hard, stone wall. "Damn, I spend half my life unconscious these days." I looked around me. Wait...I was wearing my that means..."I'M ME AGAIN!" "Shhhh! Do you want to get us killed?!" I squinted in the direction of the voice. "Seto?" He looked up. "SSUNDEE! You're normal again!" I grinned, "Yeah Dood!" Then another voice. Female. One that sent goosebumps up my spine. "Who's there?" I gasped. "D-D-D-Diamond..." I heard her draw a sharp breath. "Ssundee?"
"YOU'RE ALIVE!!" I yelled, tears of joy pouring down my face. "'re dead?" "No...YOU'RE dead!" "How is this possible?..." "You really don't know?" A cold voice whispered from the shadows. "You see...nobody died that night...but you will now!" I froze, my heart thumping in my chest. I knew that voice...somehow. "H-H-Herobrine..." A heartless laugh echoed round the chamber. "Ssundee...YOU shall die first." "Why me?" "NO! Take me instead!" "Seto! No!" "It's so heartwarming to see you fight over who will be killed first..." I knew what I had to do. ~Derp, if you can hear I felt something inside of me stir. ~Let's do it.~ I could barely contain my amazement. Derp had agreed with me! "Come at me!" I felt Derp takeover. Herobrine turned to me. "What did you say?" My sunglasses slid off, revealing my crooked, insane eyes. Herobrine gasped. "No!" I broke the chains easily, throwing myself off of the wall at Herobrine. "What-" that was as far as he got before I hit him round the head. His eyes rolled back and I went to my friends' chains, pulling them apart. "Ssundee?..." I grinned and nodded. Seto grinned back. "C'mon guys, lets go." I said. We went to the door and I wrenched it off its hinges. Only to come face to face with an army of zombie squids. "Well. This is new." I said before we charged them.

Above Ground...

"We can't just abandon them guys!" The rest of SkyArmy were standing on the shore by the lake, staring down into the dark water, trying to find their friends in the murk. "We don't have a choice Sky. If we go down there again, we'll be captured too!" Sky shook his head. "Well, I'm not letting them die. If you guys won't go, I will." And with that, Sky held his breath and jumped in.

I hacked and slashed my way through the army, monsters disintegrating around me as I charged through the ranks. "Ssundee!" I heard Seto cry out and I ran towards his voice. "Seto!" The zombies parted slightly and I launched myself through, then I saw him. Seto was pinned down on the floor with Sky about to run his sword across his throat. "Sky?!" I lost it completely. I could no longer control Derp. The last thing I saw was Sky looking up and his eyes widening. "No Ssundee! No-" then I blacked out...


When I came back into consciousness, I realised I could hear a voice...a very familiar one. "D-D-Derp?" I jumped as a wide, grinning, freakish face filled my vision. "Hey Ssundee." "How is this possible?" "It's not...we're caught in a time trap." "A what?" "Where time stands still. Something's gone wrong." I blinked and looked around, starting as I saw myself as Derp throwing myself at Sky. Everything was in slow-motion. "I still don't understand." He looked at the floor. "Neither do I...but I think the bad man did it." "Who?" "The one with the freaky eyes." I couldn't help but find this a little ironic considering that this was coming from the guy with the freakiest eyes I'd ever seen. "Were they white?" He nodded furiously. "Hmm. What DOES Herobrine want from us then?" I raised my eyebrow; Derp was looking at me funny. Well...funnier. "You really don't know?" I tried to ignore his voice grating on my eardrums. "No." "Your a tramsmoganarian Ssundee." "A tramsmo-what?!" He rolled his eyes, which looked pretty weird on his face, like his pupils were doing cartwheels. "Signia was a sanctuary for transmoganarians. One of the only ones left in existence." I watched, transfixed as Sky's eyes widened in slow motion as Derp crashed into him. Dragging my eyes from the peculiar scene I tried to process what Derp had said. "So...what is a tramsmoganarian?" "They are regular Minecraftians, but they possess a dark side, that they must learn to control." "So basically, you're my dark side." "Well, I was." "You was?...were. THAT was bad grammar." "Yes. But having switched places with can now control me." He smiled. I winced at the grim spectacle. "What?" "Nothing." He shrugged. "So. Do you wanna go help Sky now?" I looked back at the scene just as Derp was raising his sword, preparing to strike the defenceless a Sky. "YES! YES I DO!" Derp laughed as the scene bent around us and everything sped up. Suddenly I was back in control. I stopped the sword an inch away from a Sky's heaving chest. "Oops. Sorry." Sky lost it. "WOW! YOU NEWRLY FRIGGIN' KILLED ME AND THE BEST YOU CAN DO IS SORRY?!" I narrowed my crooked eyes. "LOOK WHO'S TALKING! YOU TRIED TO MURDER SETO!" "I THOUGHT HE WAS A SQUID!" "OH YEAH! SORCERERS REALLY LOOK LIKE SQUIDS, DON'T THEY?!" It would have carried on like that if Diamond hadn't appeared out of nowhere and helped Seto up. "Ssundee! We have to go! The squids are regenerating." I felt my anger drain away instantly at the sound of her voice. A voice I thought I would never hear again. "C'mon Seto! Let's go!" He staggered to his feet as I grabbed his sleeve and we ran. Suddenly, I heard a voice right next to me. "Don't forget your sunglasses Ssundee..." I looked over and saw Derp running alongside me. "Thanks." There would be a lot of questions asked later, but they could wait. I took my sunglasses and slid them back on again. Derp dissipated. I felt kinda lonesome. But then I heard him in my head. ~Miss me already?~ I grinned. ~Yep.~ We ran out of the cave and plunged into the water, swimming furiously for the surface. My head broke the surface and I took heaving gulps of air. We'd barely made it. The other members of SkyArmy were on the shore; Mitch grabbed me and I saw Jerome and Jason helping the others up. Once on the shore, I turned and pulled Diamond out. I wrapped my arms around her and we embraced. "I thought I'd never see you again." I whispered in her ear. "I missed you Ssundee." "I missed you too Diamond...~Yuck, can we leave out the romance please! I feel sick!~ I chuckled. ~Wow, way to ruin a moment Derp!~ ~You know you love me really Ssundee!~ ~Yeah, I guess so.~

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